Wednesday, July 26, 2017

AFT President Randi Weingarten on Senate Healthcare Vote

For Immediate Release
July 25, 2017
Contact: Marcus Mrowka

AFT President Randi Weingarten on Senate Healthcare Vote

WASHINGTON—Statement of AFT President Randi Weingarten on the Senate vote to proceed on debate on healthcare:

“Sen. John McCain is an American war hero who will get, and should get, the best healthcare our country can provide. The debate about healthcare should be about ensuring all Americans have that same standard of care. That doesn’t start by repealing Obamacare. As a result, we are deeply disappointed by the motion to proceed on a bill that would take away healthcare from at least 22 million people, hurt the vulnerable and others with pre-existing conditions, end Medicaid as we know it, impose an age tax, and continue a tax on employer-negotiated health plans—all to give a tax break to the rich. We will continue to fight against that kind of cruel and heartless effort, and we will work with anyone, Democrat or Republican, to ensure all Americans can get the high-quality, affordable healthcare they deserve.”

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PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Techs Ratify First-Ever Contract with AFT

PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Techs Ratify First-Ever Contract with AFT

VANCOUVER, WA—After more than a year of negotiations, X-ray, pharmacy and radiology technicians and respiratory therapists at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver ratified a first contract that includes paid education leave, increased job security, improved benefits for “per diem” employees and higher wages.

“This contract is a win for workers, a win for patients and a win for PeaceHealth, and it demonstrates what is possible when health professionals have the freedom to come together to bargain on behalf of themselves and their patients,” said AFT President Randi Weingarten. “PeaceHealth techs won higher wages, job security and opportunities to gain new skills, which will make it easier for the hospital to recruit and retain staff, will empower staff to advocate on behalf of their patients, and will improve patient care.”

The AFT represents more than 2,500 healthcare professionals at PeaceHealth in Vancouver and more than 130,000 across the country. The AFT has 98 percent density with nurses in the PeaceHealth system throughout Washington, Oregon and Alaska. Because of the wins by nurses at PeaceHealth, techs and other workers sought out the AFT to strengthen their voice. Nurses at PeaceHealth recently ratified a contract with increased job security and higher wages, and the hospital’s service and maintenance professionals are in negotiations.

“PeaceHealth Southwest techs, families and patients will benefit for years to come from this contract,” said PeaceHealth CT scan tech Eric Quinn.

Respiratory therapist Carmen Lohkamp said of the contract, “We are proud of our contract. The education benefits will provide opportunities for our members to grow professionally, and this contract will change lives for the better.”

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Monday, July 24, 2017

AFT President Randi Weingarten on ‘A Better Deal’ Agenda

For Immediate Release
July 24, 2017
Contact: Marcus Mrowka

AFT President Randi Weingarten on ‘A Better Deal’ Agenda

Washington—Statement of AFT President Randi Weingarten on Democrats’ “A Better Deal” agenda:

“Democrats’ ‘A Better Deal’ agenda helps unrig our economy and our politics so America works for working folks again, not just big corporations and the wealthy few. While no one agenda or announcement can solve all problems, with today’s announcement and commitment to a better deal, Democrats have acknowledged Americans’ need for bold economic solutions and have returned to their populist and Roosevelt roots.

“While President Trump ran as a populist, he is governing for the wealthy and special interests. The Democratic agenda offers a strong contrast built on common sense, doable solutions to create good jobs with living wages, grow the middle class, reduce costs for families, invest in infrastructure, and equip workers with the skills they need for a changing economy. It’s an agenda that levels the playing field by breaking up monopolies that drive up costs and limit competition, and by strengthening the voice of regular Americans in our democracy. It’s an agenda the American people have been waiting for, and the president and Republicans should work with Democrats to enact it.”

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