Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Special Governmental Relations Steering Committee Update

Good morning! There is one week left to go in election 2016. As we head into this week there are a couple of reminders for everyone.

Please share this with your faculty as soon as possible to encourage their participation in election 2016 and to assist public higher education to make sure students, faculty, staff, friends and neighbors vote and know the issues regarding the need for an education friendly legislative body in MN.

Let’s have no regrets come November 9th!

Do something. Do anything. Make a difference.

You asked what could we do in the final week before the election:

·         Work  a phone bank for Get out the Vote effort
·         Knock on doors or lit drop for an area candidate
·         Encourage your students to seek out the issues and to encourage them to vote in this year’s election
·         Use ‘poll finder’ on the MN Secretary of Website in your class so students know where to go to vote
·         Remind fellow faculty, staff and administrators to vote
·         Volunteer to drive someone who needs a ride to the poll
·         Do anything. Do something. Make a difference for yourself, your family and your fellow MSCF faculty members and most importantly the students who attend our institutions across the state of MN

Thanks to everyone who has been engaged and made a difference in this year’s election. The results will be in November 9th!

Rick Nelson, Legislative Steering Committee Chair

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