Thursday, June 29, 2017

New Waiver of Medical Coverage Option

Effective July 1, 2017, all employees eligible for the full employer contribution may waive medical coverage by signing and dating a form and providing proof of other coverage. This new waiver provision, enacted by the 2017 legislature, was included in the State Government Omnibus bill (2017 First Special Session, Chapter 4, Article 2, Section 26).

The following FAQs and the accompanying forms provide information on how to administer this new policy. The first form is Waiver of Medical Coverage. This is the form that an employee who receives the full employer contribution must submit in order to waive medical coverage. The second form is the Proof of Medical Coverage Through Another State Employee. This form states that one employee intends to cover the other and serves as the proof of other coverage that is required. (THIS IS THE FAQ PAGE LINK)

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