Monday, October 30, 2017

AFT Supports Anti-Bullying Legislation

For Immediate Release
Oct. 30, 2017

Janet Bass

AFT Supports Anti-Bullying Legislation

Presidential-Appointed Roundtable of Education Stakeholders Would Develop ‘Best Practices’ Report

WASHINGTON—Statement of American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on legislation sponsored by Rep. Dan Donovan (R-N.Y.) requiring President Trump to create an anti-bullying roundtable of education stakeholders, including a bullied child, who would produce a report on best practices for schools and educators:

“Unchecked bullying can poison an entire school culture and devastate the lives of not just those who are bullied but also their families, friends and community. Studies show that as many as one-quarter of American students are bullied with some frequency. The AFT has called for and designed professional development on schoolwide and districtwide anti-bullying policies and practices, on creating safe and accessible ways to report and address bullying through restorative justice, and on using resources—including those on the AFT’s Share My Lesson—to help educators deal with this destructive behavior. And through our ‘See a Bully, Stop a Bully: Make a Difference’ campaign, we have raised awareness and provided resources and training to educators, students and parents.

“Rep. Dan Donovan has a sensible approach to helping schools address, discuss and combat bullying. His legislation would require President Trump to create a roundtable of education stakeholders, including a teacher, guidance counselor, child psychologist and bullied child, to produce a report on best practices for schools and educators. Bullying is pervasive in all areas of the country, and this legislation should pass overwhelmingly on a bipartisan basis.”

Friday, October 27, 2017

AFT President Randi Weingarten on GOP Budget Resolution

For Immediate Release
October 26, 2017

Marcus Mrowka

AFT President Randi Weingarten on GOP Budget Resolution

WASHINGTON—Statement by AFT President Randi Weingarten on the GOP budget resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives:

"A majority of House Republicans just doubled down on where they stand on the tax debate—they are loyal to Trump and want massive tax breaks for the rich and big corporations, which their constituents will be stuck paying for.

"The danger is especially notable for middle-class families who are at risk of losing their state and local tax deduction, which will hurt their schools and property values to give more money to Donald Trump and Wall Street executives.

"Families need a tax code that is fair and doesn’t further rig the economy in favor of the wealthy."

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Board of Trustees' Awards for Excellence

DATE: October 24, 2017

TO: Presidents

Chief Academic Officers

Jim Grabowska, President, Inter Faculty Organization

Kevin Lindstrom President, Minnesota State College Faculty

Tracy Rahim, President, Minnesota State University Association of Administrative & Service Faculty

FROM: Ron Anderson, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

SUBJECT: Board of Trustees’ Awards for Excellence

I’m pleased to send you the attached guidelines for the 2017-18 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in University Service. It’s a distinct pleasure to be able to acknowledge exceptional college and university teaching as well as exceptional university administrative service in this annual celebration. Award nominations, including the nominees’ portfolios, are due February 1, 2018.

This recognition is the result of the dedicated work of faculty, students, campus and systemwide award committees. Each year, campus committees review nominations and select faculty names to forward to presidents, who in turn designate teaching faculty as Outstanding Educators, and university administrative service faculty as Outstanding Service Faculty Members. Presidents then forward these names to me and to system-level award committees for review. Out of that pool of outstanding faculty, the Board will identify up to four (4) college teaching faculty and up to three (3) university teaching faculty to be named as Educators of the Year. In addition, the Board will name one (1) university administrative service faculty member as the Service Faculty Member of the Year.

At an awards luncheon in April, the Board will honor all Outstanding Educators and Educators of the Year from our colleges and universities, all Outstanding Service Faculty and a Service Faculty Member of the Year. I encourage you, using your own college or university award processes, to send forward your outstanding faculty so that the Board may publicly recognize the extraordinary teaching and service being provided at our colleges and universities and proclaim, on behalf of the entire system, their high esteem for the dedication and accomplishment of Minnesota State faculty.

If you attended the 2017 Celebrating Excellence event last April, I’m sure you felt, as I did, the joyful pride that board members, faculty, students, and campus administrators take in these exceptional teachers and administrative service faculty. Be sure now to reserve the date for this year’s event: April 18, 2018, 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM at the Doubletree Hotel, St. Paul.

Included with this letter are the 2017-18 Guidelines and Forms (PDF) that provides both promotional information and official guidelines. You will find in it an overview for your committee and nominees, plus detailed instructions and necessary forms for compiling the Outstanding Educators and Outstanding Service Faculty Member Portfolios and President’s Recommendation Packets. (The guidelines and forms are also downloadable at The program is administered by Academic and Student Affairs. Questions may be addressed to the Director for Faculty and Instructional Development, Kimberly Johnson, at 651.201.1443, or

A recommended college and university timeline is described below:

1. October-November 2017: Organize (new or existing) Nomination Committee at each college and university.

2. November 2017: College/university nomination committee solicits nominations from faculty, student body, and administration.

3. By December 2017: College/university nomination committee reviews nominations, selects campus nominees and forwards names to the college/university president.

4. January 2018: College/university president designates campus Outstanding Educator(s) and/or Outstanding Service Faculty Members.

5. January 2018: Outstanding Educators and Outstanding Service Faculty Members prepare portfolios; College/university nomination committee prepares College/University President’s Recommendation Packet(s). Recommendation Packets are then forwarded to president for review.

6. February 1, 2018: Deadline for electronic submission of Outstanding Educator and Outstanding Service Faculty Member recommendations.

7. April 18, 2018: Board of Trustees Awards luncheon.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Member Organizer Opportunity!

Are you ready to build organizing and leadership skills, increase member engagement, and build union power and activism?

Apply to the MSCF/AFT Member Organizer program today. This program is designed to support our member engagement efforts through one-on-one conversations, leadership identification and development, and increased member activism. The program capitalizes on our most valuable resource – our members.

Member organizers are paid temporary positions that will last approximately 29 weeks, from mid-November 2017 to the end of May 2018. Member organizers will:

· Spend 10 hours a week performing activities related to the project, including having one-on-one conversations (in person and over the phone) and holding small-group meetings to talk with faculty about their issues and rights in the workplace.

· Conduct home visits and one-on-one conversations in other locations; listen to and talk with workers; Make assessments and identify social networks and leaders.

· Participate in trainings and team activities.

· Help develop personalized organizing plans based on targeting and training.

· Improve leadership skills in both the workplace and the community.

· Maintain and coordinate database information on employees for organizing purposes.

If you believe you would be a good candidate for this type of work or know of anyone else who would be, please complete the application form found on the MSCF website and return it to me by October 30. Click here for the application.

Our members' ability to draw from personal work and union experience to engage current members and activate potential ones is invaluable. Apply at or contact MSCF Secretary Gretchen Long at for more information.

AFT Joins NAACP Lawsuit to Stop Trump's Termination of DACA

For Immediate Release
October 23, 2017

Andrew Crook

AFT’s Full Resources and Experience to Be Deployed Against Trump Administration’s Cynical Attack on Dreamers

WASHINGTON—The 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers has joined the NAACP’s landmark lawsuit against the Trump administration’s cruel and callous cancellation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Today, the AFT formally joined the suit as a plaintiff, filing an amended complaint in federal court to bring its organizational resources and experience to the fight to defend Dreamers attacked by the administration’s decision to end DACA. DACA permits undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children to work and live free from the threat of deportation.

The suit argues that that the termination of the DACA program violates the Constitution and other laws of the United States, and as such calls for an immediate halt to the rescission and requests an order prohibiting the government from using information to identify, detain or deport DACA recipients.

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union also joined the case.

AFT President Randi Weingarten said: “We are joining this lawsuit because the pain and frustration caused by the Trump administration’s decision to attack DACA recipients in the only country they have ever known cannot be allowed to stand. DACA recipients embody the hope and aspiration that unites this country; they work hard and play by the rules to build a better life.

“By terminating DACA, President Trump is exploiting fear, pandering to those who want to scapegoat immigrants and using DACA recipients as a political football. The AFT will use every legal and practical tool at our disposal to ensure Dreamers continue to thrive in the country they proudly call home.”

AFT members throughout the country have received work permits through the DACA program and serve the public in healthcare and education. Furthermore, AFT members teach students who have received DACA status. DACA students contribute to the diversity of experience and perspectives in classrooms, engage in valuable research projects, and play key leadership roles in student life.

The AFT has a long-standing history of supporting and advocating for the civil rights of our members and the communities they serve.

The AFT and the NAACP will be represented by Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC in the matter. The NAACP filed its initial suit on Sept. 18.

Read the amended complaint here.

Union Leaders on Speech by Nazi Richard Spencer at University of Florida

For Immediate Release
October 19, 2017

Andrew Cook

GAINSVILLE, FL—Joint statement by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and United Faculty of Florida–University of Florida President Steve Kirn condemning today’s speech by white supremacist Richard Spencer at the University of Florida:

“If Richard Spencer thought that this would be the alt-right’s Beer Hall Putsch, he underestimated how much Americans despise Nazism. Spencer aimed to hijack the University of Florida, manipulating a peaceful place of learning for the sole purpose of provoking violence. His filth has been rightly rejected by campus leaders and the university administration, by protestors—including our members—and even by the people who attended his talk, whose values did not permit them to remain silent.

“As Spencer propagates bigotry and division, counter-protesters and union members are standing up for peace and tolerance. We strongly support free speech and the protections provided by the First Amendment. But the violence stoked by the likes of Spencer—the kind we saw kill Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, and that he attempted to bring about again in Gainesville today—is not speech and, as such, cannot be allowed to spread without challenge.”

AFT on Bill Gates' Speech on His Evolving Education Efforts

For Immediate Release
Oct. 19, 2017

Janet Bass

WASHINGTON—Statement by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on Bill Gates’ speech today to the Council of the Great City Schools, titled “Our Education Efforts are Evolving”:

“I am glad that as the nation is shifting from the fixation on testing, test-based teacher evaluations and shuttering rather than fixing public schools and other top-down, punitive measures of the No Child Left Behind era to one of creating safe and welcoming public schools where children can thrive, Bill and Melinda Gates also are evolving in their thinking. It’s encouraging that Bill Gates made clear he will not abandon public education and will learn from the educational progress that has been made in districts that have focused on children’s well-being, powerful learning, collaboration and building teacher capacity.

“A new approach that sets its sights on the school, not the corporate boardroom as the center of educational improvement, and providing support to schools as they undertake that work is a step in the right direction.

“The focus on locally generated solutions, using thoughtful reflection of what works, is a positive development and a welcome shift from the prescriptive mandates of the last decade and a half. The use of evidence-based interventions to improve student achievement, especially for those most in need, is important. And as I have learned from hundreds of school visits each year, Gates also recognizes that teachers need real curriculum support and professional development to build on the standards.

“The challenge now is turning these strategies into sustainable, scalable programs that will reflect the voices of educators, parents, school leaders and community members as we work to transform classrooms, schools and learning.”

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

AFT and AAUP Presidents on U of Wisc Policy to Restrict Free Speech

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2017

AFT Media Affairs

Rudy Fichtenbaum
AAUP President

Statements of AFT President Randi Weingarten and AAUP President Rudy Fichtenbaum on Policy Approved by University of Wisconsin’s Board of Regents to Suspend and Expel Students Who Protest Speeches on Wisconsin Campuses

MADISON, WIS.—Last week, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents approved a policy to suspend and expel students who protest speeches on University of Wisconsin campuses. Sixteen of the board’s 18 members are appointees of Republican Gov. Scott Walker.

This policy change occurs in a sobering context: Demonstrations on college campuses have become an important defense against attempts by right-wing extremists and white supremacists to recruit and expand their campaigns of hate and fear. These groups want to exploit the culture of open debate on college campuses in order to gain access, recruit adherents, create a climate of fear, and claim a university seal of approval on racist ideas.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten said:

“One wonders why a university with a proud history of academic freedom would take a huge leap backward from this great tradition and sacrosanct American value. Sadly, this policy appears to be a reaction, by right-wing elements appointed to the university’s board of regents by Scott Walker, to campus demonstrations against outside speakers who brazenly present themselves as extreme right-wing conspiracy theorists and Nazis. On campus after campus, brave students also are using their voices to stand up for their values and say ‘not here.’ Now the cronies of Wisconsin’s right-wing governor want to censor and scare Wisconsin’s students.

“Democracy requires protecting dissent, not punishing it. These students face the same choice we all face: Either we vigorously oppose the resurgent wave of white supremacy in America, or we concede to it. This policy seeks to prevent students from making that choice for themselves.”

American Association of University Professors President Rudy Fichtenbaum said:

“Protest is free speech, and the leadership of the University of Wisconsin system should be working to protect that speech, not to stifle it.

“Student academic freedom protects the right to challenge what another speaker says, even if that challenge comes in a form some might consider disruptive. Sometimes being disruptive is precisely the response that is called for. In a free and open society, protestors have free speech rights, too. It is deeply alarming that this board of regents wants to make the University of Wisconsin a place where that is no longer true.

“Make no mistake, this is not only about shutting down speech that the regents, and their political allies, don’t like. This policy is about challenging the very notion of the university as a space of free and open debate. As such, this policy is part of the larger attack on higher education as a common good—an attack that started with Act 10 in 2011 and has continued through the attacks on shared governance, tenure and due process enacted in 2015 as well as the more recent attacks against UW’s two-year and four-year campuses.”

Friday, October 13, 2017

AFT President on Trump's Plan to End Healthcare Subsidies

For Immediate Release
October 13, 2017

AFT Media Affairs

Statement by AFT President Randi Weingarten on President Trump’s Plan
To End Essential Healthcare Subsidies

WASHINGTON— President Trump announced last night that he will end subsidies to health insurance companies that help 7 million low-income Americans pay out-of-pocket costs. Earlier in the day, he signed an executive order to overhaul federal health regulations that will result in fewer protections for the most vulnerable Americans and will encourage the creation of health insurance plans that provide fewer benefits and fewer protections.

AFT President Randi Weingarten released the following statement:

“President Trump’s one-two punch yesterday targeting the financial underpinning of the Affordable Care Act is designed to gut the ACA. And his proposed replacement? Empty words. For example, if the president believed that making insurance available across state lines would make it more affordable, why not include it in the bipartisan work Sens. Lamar Alexander and Patty Murray have been doing in the Senate?

“While his words are empty, the president’s actions will make America sicker, poorer and worse off—for individuals who will have fewer and fewer insurance options, and for states whose budgets will now worsen as more people will be unable to afford health insurance and will revert to using emergency room medicine. Trump owns this unconscionable situation and bears responsibility for the harm it will cause.

“We support the states that will be taking legal action, and urge Congress to act to protect Americans from Trump’s reckless actions.”

Thursday, October 12, 2017

AFT President Randi Weingarten on President Trump's Executive Order to Undermine Protections for Americans' Health Insurance Coverage

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2017

Leslie Getzinger

Statement of AFT President Randi Weingarten on President Trump’s
Executive Order to Undermine Protections for Americans’ Health Insurance Coverage
Under the Affordable Care Act

‘Donald Trump owns the unwinding of the Affordable Care Act.’

WASHINGTON—President Trump today signed an executive order to overhaul federal health regulations, which he said would lead to the full repeal of the Affordable Care Act. The order will result in fewer protections for the most vulnerable Americans, such as those with pre-existing conditions, and will encourage sham, loosely regulated health insurance plans that won’t provide adequate benefits. Ultimately, this could lead to the collapse of individual health insurance markets through which millions of Americans obtain coverage.

AFT President Randi Weingarten released the following statement:

“Donald Trump owns the unwinding of the Affordable Care Act. He is ignoring the rule of law, refusing to compromise, and doing an end-run around Congress in order to strip people of their healthcare. Millions of Americans will be worse off because of his actions.

“This is an ongoing pattern of the Trump administration’s callous sabotage of Obamacare, and it will cause real harm to American families, leading to increased premiums and loss of coverage for those most in need of healthcare and flooding markets with cheap, limited ‘junk’ insurance.”

AFT President Randi Weingarten on White House "Wish List" for Negotiations on the Future of the DACA Program

For Immediate Release
October 10, 2017

AFT Media Affairs

Hopes of a deal to protect Dreamers—young immigrants brought to this country as children—diminished as President Trump suggested he would use them as pawns to secure funding for a border wall, crack down on minors fleeing violence in Central America, and curb federal grants to sanctuary cities.
WASHINGTON—“What happened to President Trump’s pledge to ‘deal with DACA with heart’? Or the ‘deal’ he made with Democrats? These proposals are simply a reprise of the worst aspects of the Trump campaign's anti-immigrant and anti-refugee scapegoating—reasserted, one assumes, to make Dreamers pawns in a power game. It is exactly why people hate Washington, D.C., politics: Instead of solving problems like what will happen to the 800,000 young Americans covered by DACA—who are learning in, working in and completely woven into the country that is their home—they are held hostage as a way to make our broken immigration system even worse.

“A nation built and enriched by immigrants should welcome those pursuing the American dream, not pull the ladder up behind us. It's time to demonstrate the best of America—not the worst—and pass the bipartisan Dream Act.”

Monday, October 9, 2017

YOU'RE INVITED: 2017 EdMN Political Conference

Greetings, local leaders!

Online registration for the 2017 Political Conference is now live! We have made some exciting changes to the conference and hope that you will send at least one person from your local. See full details about the conference schedule and session themes on the Education Minnesota website.

The first member from each local will have all conference and lodging fees covered. Local presidents can give the discount code "PCfirstmember" to their designated attendee. That person will enter the code when registering.

Fees for sending additional members:

Hotel rooms are included in the registration fee and will not be billed separately. All hotel rooms will be single-occupancy, unless double-occupancy is requested. 

Friday and Saturday participant, with hotel - $80 per member: Includes all sessions on Friday and Saturday, meals, parking and a single hotel room. One member from each local will be fully funded by Education Minnesota (see below for more details). 

Friday and Saturday participant, without hotel - $40 per member: Includes all sessions on Friday and Saturday, meals, parking (no hotel). 

Friday only - $20 per member: Dinner on Friday evening, parking and admission to the gubernatorial candidate forum.

Education Minnesota will pay all conference and lodging fees for ESPs and Education Minnesota student members.

Also new this year: members will be eligible to receive a child care reimbursement, per Education Minnesota financial policies. Members can receive up to $60 a day for child care with a signed, official receipt or invoice from the daycare or babysitter. Receipt books can be purchased wherever office supplies are sold.

Go to this website to view conference information and the registration page to see how members will be asked to sign up. This page is also linked to on the Education Minnesota website.

The scholarship application process is also live. Members can apply for a full or partial scholarship on the scholarship application webpage.

There are changes to the scholarship process this year.

To receive a full scholarship, members must make commitments to two or more activities or roles in the 2018 campaign. Partial scholarships will be awarded to members who commit to at least one activity or role.

Here are the qualifying activities and roles:

Worksite political action leaders
Local union political action leaders
Digital engagement leaders
Commitment to at least two doorknocking or phonebanking shifts

Full descriptions of these activities and roles are on the scholarship application webpage.Members will receive a discount code for their registration fees once their application is approved.

Finally, we have confirmed plans for a regional political conference at Bemidji State University on Feb. 2-3. A pre-registration link for this conference is now available online.

If you'd like the web links to copy and paste into your own emails, please use the following:

Here is the Education Minnesota website page on the political conference -- includes all links listed below:

Here is the live registration link:

Here is the scholarship application link:

Here is the Bemidji regional conference pre-registration link:

Questions? Contact Anna Brelje via email or at 651-292-4841.

COMMENT AND REVIEW: Board Policy 8.03 College & University Related Foundations Procedures


Good Morning

Board Policy 8.03 College and University Related Foundations and it’s related System Procedures 8.03.01 and 8.03.02 are ready for review and comment. Responses are requested by November 3, 2017.

Here is the link to the P&P review site where you can view the drafts and leave comments:

Any questions on the policy and procedures or how to leave a comment can be referred to Mike Nordby at

AFT on the Passage of the House Budget Resolution

For Immediate Release
October 5, 2017

Michael Heenan

WASHINGTON—American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten released the following statement on the passage of the House budget resolution:

“Republicans passed a budget resolution that decimates public education, Medicare and Medicaid to give tax breaks to the rich and corporations. This isn’t a budget; it’s a setup for a massive tax break for those at the top and will further rig our economy against working people while simultaneously hurting kids, seniors and the poor. Today’s budget action is more proof that President Trump and congressional Republicans continue to govern for the powerful at the expense of the vulnerable.

“The underlying tradeoff that runs through this budget—providing massive tax cuts to the wealthy while slashing programs that support the most vulnerable among us—reflects the absolutely wrong priority and puts key K-12 and higher education programs at risk. This is especially evident as we need to invest and rebuild after the recent hurricanes. It is no time to have to cut services to American citizens in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Texas and Florida to provide a tax cut 80 percent of which will benefit the top 1 percent.

“The AFT will encourage tax reform that improves working people’s lives, makes the tax system fairer and ensures adequate revenues for vital government services.”

Update on Alleged Illegal Infiltration of AFT Michigan by Project Veritas

For Immediate Release
October 7, 2017

AFT Media Affairs

Project Veritas Files to Remove Case to Federal Court; Emergency Restraining Order Remains in Place

MICHIGAN—A federal court will now consider the legal case filed by AFT Michigan against
 Project Veritas and its alleged operative Marisa Jorge. Project Veritas attorneys filed a last-minute request to move the case from state to federal court. This follows a pattern of Project Veritas dodging responsibility for allegations of unlawful conduct, including attempting to evade being served with a restraining order and summons.

The restraining order barring Project Veritas from publishing any material it illegally obtained during its infiltration of AFT Michigan, issued last week by Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan Judge Brian Sullivan, remains in effect.

The case has been assigned to United States District Court Judge Paul Borman in the Eastern District of Michigan. A hearing date is pending.

AFT Michigan alleges that Jorge and Project Veritas committed fraudulent, unauthorized and unlawful surveillance of AFT Michigan staff, leaders and associates for the purpose of distorting and disseminating that surveillance in order to smear the union and halt its work championing opportunity for students, teachers, families and communities.

AFT Michigan is prepared to provide further evidence of the alleged theft, including evidence obtained from forensic investigations. Witnesses and affidavits will attest that Jorge violated Michigan law, which bars fraudulent misrepresentation, larceny, trespass and making recordings without both parties’ consent.

Jorge, using the alias Marissa Perez, secured an internship with AFT Michigan, ostensibly to obtain material Project Veritas could use in one of its infamously misleading hit videos, according to the complaint. The restraining order is against Jorge as well as “her agents, employees and those acting in concert,” which would include Project Veritas, also named in the complaint.

AFT Michigan’s complaint is here:

The temporary restraining order against Project Veritas and Marisa Jorge is here: