Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Member Organizer Opportunity!

Are you ready to build organizing and leadership skills, increase member engagement, and build union power and activism?

Apply to the MSCF/AFT Member Organizer program today. This program is designed to support our member engagement efforts through one-on-one conversations, leadership identification and development, and increased member activism. The program capitalizes on our most valuable resource – our members.

Member organizers are paid temporary positions that will last approximately 29 weeks, from mid-November 2017 to the end of May 2018. Member organizers will:

· Spend 10 hours a week performing activities related to the project, including having one-on-one conversations (in person and over the phone) and holding small-group meetings to talk with faculty about their issues and rights in the workplace.

· Conduct home visits and one-on-one conversations in other locations; listen to and talk with workers; Make assessments and identify social networks and leaders.

· Participate in trainings and team activities.

· Help develop personalized organizing plans based on targeting and training.

· Improve leadership skills in both the workplace and the community.

· Maintain and coordinate database information on employees for organizing purposes.

If you believe you would be a good candidate for this type of work or know of anyone else who would be, please complete the application form found on the MSCF website and return it to me by October 30. Click here for the application.

Our members' ability to draw from personal work and union experience to engage current members and activate potential ones is invaluable. Apply at https://www.mscfmn.org/membership or contact MSCF Secretary Gretchen Long at gretchen.long@edmn.org for more information.

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