Thursday, December 14, 2017

AFT Leaders on Doug Jones’ Win in Alabama

For Immediate Release
December 13, 2017

Andrew Crook
202-393-8637 Cell: 607-280-6603

AFT Leaders on Doug Jones’ Win in Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.—Joint statement by Jefferson County AFT President Marrianne Hayward, Alabama State University Faculty-Staff Alliance Co-president Derryn Moten, Birmingham AFT President Richard Franklin and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on Doug Jones’ election to the U.S. Senate:

“Decency and respect triumphed last night in Alabama. Doug Jones campaigned on a commitment to improve people’s lives, undergirded by the values of equality and opportunity. He exposed the false promises, empty rhetoric and moral corruption of his opponent. Alabamians responded across party lines, turning out in record numbers to stand up for their state and their communities. This result is a repudiation of hatred and divisiveness and a victory for democracy and civility. Doug Jones will be a valuable addition to the Senate, and the AFT will have his back as he advocates in Washington for the righteous principles and policies he’s fought for all his life.”

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