Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 16 edition, Pension Issues in the News

APRIL 16, 2018

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Teachers, firefighters and other public employees who plan to retire have a stake in a political showdown at the State Capitol. Minnesota's public employee pension funds have been strained as baby boomers retire and people live longer and would eventually run out of money to support retirees without ...

Citizens League
As the Pioneer Press reports, “government pension plans are paying out more than they are taking in.” According to the latest valuation reports, state public pensions should have $16 billion more in investments right now to pay for future retirement benefits that have already been earned by public ...

Mother Jones
The New York Times ran a piece this weekend about the growing burden of paying public pensions. Naturally it features a few examples of outrageously high pensions, but the overall gist is that the cost of pensions is getting so high that it's crowding out spending on other things. Dean Baker comments:.

The New York Times has a great story on how government pensions are a big problem that are crowding out spending. The article discusses a retired college president who has a $76,000 a month pension as an example, but the problems go far beyond the top 1% of government employees. Consider ...

The Center for Economic and Policy Research
There has been an ongoing battle in major media outlets against public sector pensions. Papers like the New York Times and the Washington Post have regularly featured pieces telling readers that these pensions are unaffordable. This crusade, carried on mostly in the news pages, has often taken ...

New York Times
Oregon's Public Employees Retirement System has told cities, counties, school districts and other local entities to contribute more to keep the system afloat. They can neither negotiate nor raise local taxes fast enough to keep up. As a result, pensions are crowding out other spending. Essential services ...

... have joined together as the Kentucky Public Pension Coalition say they're supporting the teachers and specifically are against the pension-reform bill, which Bevin signed Tuesday. Among the coalition's members are Jefferson County Teachers Association, the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association, ...

A new Issue Brief publication from the Center for State and Local Government Excellence seeks to answer the broad and challenging question, “How Have Pension Cuts Affected Public Sector Competitiveness?” The analysis explores the impacts of public pension reform from 2005 to 2014, finding some ...

In most states, public pension funds don't have enough money to pay for benefits they've promised to government workers. The problem is getting worse. Overall, the shortfall across states grew by $295 billion between 2015 and 2016, according to a new report from The Pew Charitable Trusts.

At least one Kentucky school district has already canceled school so that teachers and other schools employees can rally in Frankfort on Friday, as the General Assembly returns for its last two days in session. Trimble County Public Schools announced the closing Monday night, saying that officials ...

And under a state law governing public employees, Texas teachers risk losing their teaching certificates and pensions if they go on strike. Texas' pension program for retired teachers isn't terribly generous: thanks to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas' GOP-controlled legislature, retired teachers ...

Show-Me Institute
Andrew Biggs' Show-Me Institute essay on the current condition of the Missouri State Employees Retirement System (MOSERS) demonstrates that, like so many state plans, MOSERS is experiencing a decline in its funding health. This is bad for public employees and for taxpayers. Consider the costs to ...

Law & Crime
Other foundations involved in Facebook's new elections initiative include the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, a philanthropic organization “strongly criticized for its aggressive, behind-the-scenes funding of efforts to dismantle public pensions and limit patients' access to prescription drugs,” according ...

The state has ranked 49th in the nation in teacher salaries, according to the National Education Association, in a list that includes Washington, D.C. Only .... The bill would affect new teachers and move them to a hybrid cash-balance plan rather than traditional pensions, and would limit new sick days that ...

American Enterprise Institute
Sweden has a reputation for providing expensive cradle-to-grave social welfare protection, but in 1998 the country put in place a public pension reform more conservative than most of the plans now sponsored throughout the industrialized West. The 1998 reform imposed a budget constraint on pension ...

CBS News
BlackRock's gun-free ETFs or 401(k) plans could provide a smoother route for pension funds managed for public school teachers in states such as Florida, where an assault rifle made by American Outdoor was used to kill 17 people at a high school in Parkland. The Florida teachers' fund owns shares of ...

Census Bureau
ASSETS GROWTH CONTINUES. For the 100 largest public-employee pension systems in the country, assets. (cash and investments) totaled $3,785.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2017, increasing by 2.7 percent from the 2017 third quarter level of $3,684.7 billion. Compared to the same quarter in 2016 ...

He said news accounts about protests in Oklahoma and West Virginia focused almost entirely on pay while giving little attention to teachers' public pensions, summers off and other benefits. “If Oklahoma is like any other state, the pay for public workers is higher than that for private workers,” Norquist, ...

Years ago, as an actuarial student, preparing for actuarial exams, I learned the ins and outs of pension plan funding methods and funding requirements, and I have a vague memory of reading about public pensions, which were not a part of my day-to-day work. I remember pretty much two items: first, the ...

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