Monday, June 18, 2018

Statement from American Federation of Teachers on Workers’ Freedom to Negotiate Act

For Immediate Release
June 14, 2018

Oriana Korin

Statement from American Federation of Teachers on Workers’ Freedom to Negotiate Act

WASHINGTON—AFT President Randi Weingarten issued the following statement in support of congressional Democrats’ “Better Deal” proposal for workers, introduced today:

“America’s economic well-being is directly linked to America’s workers, and America’s workers need strong unions. Unions enable workers to share in the prosperity they help create, expanding the middle class and strengthening America.

“The Workers’ Freedom to Negotiate Act would strengthen protections for workers through their unions. It would expand legal workplace protections to the men and women currently excluded from the law, enhance the organizing and bargaining process, and safeguard the right to strike, which, as teachers showed us this year, is a powerful tool for promoting change at the grass-roots level.

“By strengthening the enforcement and accountability of our labor laws, we can ensure that America’s workplaces are fairer, safer and more democratic, and we are committed to working with our allies in Congress to move this bill forward."

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