Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dec. 17 edition, Pension Issues in the News

DECEMBER 17, 2018


National Public Pension Coalition
Bipartisanship. It's rare these days, isn't it? No matter which side of politics you're on over the border wall, health care, climate change, or anything for ...


CT Post
A new survey of Connecticut's troubled public-pension programs indicates that in the event of an economic downturn, the retirements funds would be ...

Reactions were swift and predictably varied to the Kentucky Supreme Court's unanimous ruling to nix the public pension bill. Attorney General Andy ...

Chicago Sun-Times
You'd think the addition of politicians to the pension reform list would attract even more public backing, but you'd be wrong. Voters did approve the ...
OC Media
Because the reforms are not designed to increase pensions in the medium term, public debates would certainly be a challenge for the government.

Similar databases also exist in other U.S. states, including some of the biggest public pension systems in the country such as California and New York.

Lexington Herald Leader
The Kentucky Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down a controversial law that would have reduced retirement benefits for public ...

Readers, I'm pausing my writing on multi-employer pensions for just long enough to address a news item out of Illinois, as reported by the Chicago ...

Santa Fe New Mexican
The legislative session may giveth but could also taketh away. The board of the Public Employees Retirement Association backed a proposal Tuesday ...

Chief Investment Officer
Although solid investment returns have stabilized Iowa's top public pension fund, the unfunded liabilities are little affected. A report from the Des ...

Pensions & Investments
Return assumptions across 128 U.S. public pension funds fell on average 65 basis points between 2008 and 2019, according to a November data ...

U.S. News & World Report
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois' already huge unfunded pension liability grew bigger in fiscal 2018, rising to $133.5 billion from $129 billion at the end of ...

A key Republican lawmaker doesn't want public employees to worry about their pensions when the Legislature comes back in January. “There will be ...

Chief Investment Officer
Jerry Brown's 2012 pension reform law that ended the practice of the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) selling “airtime,” ...

Nevada Appeal
The Public Employees Retirement System has again petitioned the Nevada Supreme Court to block the release of retiree payment records.

Chief Investment Officer
The state's $76.7 billion public retirement system, Oregon PERS, at 73% funded, is in better shape than many other states' public-worker plans.

“Public Pension Return Assumptions Fall to All-Time Low,” reads a recent headline in the trade journal Chief Investment Officer, which caters to state ...

Georgia Public Policy Foundation
Georgia's students deserve fiscally responsible public education management, but chronic underfunding of teachers' pensions is putting that at risk.

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