Tuesday, January 22, 2019

AFT’s Weingarten on Women’s March

For Immediate Release
January 17, 2019

Oriana Korin

AFT’s Weingarten on Women’s March

WASHINGTON—Statement of American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten on this weekend’s women’s marches:

“Two years ago, in a time of great uncertainty and concern for the future, millions of women and men came together around the nation, and the world, to make our presence felt and to show our unity and fidelity to the precepts of dignity, diversity and democracy for all. We confronted the fearmongering of the present administration, we leaned on one another, and we found power in our collective action. The energy of that day inspired legions of activists—young and not so young—who have since accomplished historic changes, including electing the most diverse Congress in history.

“These marches were never about particular individuals. They were, and they remain, about all of us. They are about caring, fighting and showing up for what’s right. And mostly, they are about the important work that happens in the days and weeks after to fight for a better country. That’s the work we focus on today, not a controversy meant to pit communities against each other.

“AFT members have marched every year, and we will continue to march and endorse the effort this year because we believe in journeying for justice together, even when the road is bumpy. We will not be on the stage, but rather on the streets with our sisters and brothers—black, white and brown; Muslim and Jewish; young and old. We will march in solidarity, seeking unity, and always searching for the path that brings us to a better place that all of us can call home.”

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