Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Feb. 1 edition, Pension Issues in the News

FEBRUARY 1, 2019


Law360 (January 17, 2019, 2:26 PM EST) -- Minnesota would phase in a full income tax exemption for public pensions administered by the state, ...


Institutional Investor
Public pension plans continued to build up their private equity portfolios last year, new data from eVestment show. Private equity mandates accounted ...

... lawmakers in the Oregon Legislature want to divert the state's unique “kicker” tax rebate on a one-time basis to help tackle the state's public pension ...

NCPERS: National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems
As part of NCPERS' drive to foster excellence in public pension systems, we are unveiling a new, consolidated educational program: NCPERS ...

Atlanta Journal Constitution
Some other local public pensions that appear well funded have assumed an even higher rate, 7.75%. Doraville, at 6.75%, is among the few statewide ...

Washington Post
As Newman's title suggests, the crisis of retirement insecurity reflects the ... That suggests the value of a public pension system that is insulated, and ...

Wichita Eagle
Watching this debate are many of the 311,000 current and former public employees whose retirement plans are managed by KPERS. The system paid ...

Atlanta Journal Constitution
Audit: Georgia could save hundreds of millions on teacher pensions .... “Governor Kemp has demonstrated his strong support of public education ...

Retirement Town Hall
Milliman has released the results of its 2018 Public Pension Funding Study (PPFS), which analyzes funding levels of the nation's 100 largest public ...

Brookings Institution
The nature of retirement is changing. Traditional private pensions, also known as defined benefit plans, have mostly disappeared in the private sector ...

Allegheny Institute
This is a result of Act 5 of 2017, which will affect new public school employees starting later this year. While Pennsylvania's pension plans were once ...

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) released first-of-its-kind public retirement plan mortality tables, Pub-2010, which includes the individual mortality ...

When major investors like hedge funds and public pensions stampede in any one direction, it sends major ripple effects through the financial markets.

During the 2008 financial crisis, public-sector pension plans lost around $35 billion in assets, and some private-sector pensions could become ...

The Topeka Capital-Journal
Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly proposed the Kansas Legislature approve refinancing the public teacher piece of the state's pension system over a ...

The Heartland Institute
The panel reports the state's traditional public pensions are only 56 percent funded, meaning the expected return on the investment of previous funds ...

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