Monday, March 4, 2019

AFT Launches Massive National Campaign to Fund Future of Education

For Immediate Release
March 4, 2019

Oriana Korin

AFT Launches Massive National Campaign to Fund Future of Education

Educators’ strikes targeted pervasive underinvestment—now it’s time to supercharge our demands in Congress, statehouses and communities

WASHINGTON— The American Federation of Teachers has launched a sweeping, multipronged campaign to fund the future of American public education.

Amid the continuing wave of teacher activism shining a spotlight on massive shortfalls in education investment, the Fund Our Future initiative aims to take the teachers’ megaphone into Congress, statehouses and communities nationwide.

This ambitious new deal for public schools and colleges, launched today by AFT President Randi Weingarten and AFT leaders from across the country, zeroes in on the concrete steps necessary to do three things:

     1. Reverse the economic austerity masquerading as reform that has stripped support from K-12               and higher education, hurting children and sending tuition and student debt skyrocketing.
     2. Recognize those states that have made commitments to fund our future where the campaign                 will be to sustain and build on that investment.
     3. Fight for a national commitment to the programs that can provide necessary and equitable                   investment in public schools and universities across America.

Fund Our Future will include an array of community- and state-based legislative initiatives, and strategies paired with national demands to fully fund Title I; fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; increase investment in school infrastructure; secure operating funds
at the national and state levels to counteract disinvestment in public colleges and universities;
and forgive outstanding student loan debt under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program.

A six-figure advertising campaign, rolling out today across print, digital and online streaming
services in 14 states, will draw attention to the necessity of increased investment to give
students a shot at a better life for themselves and their families. Community events, rallies,
lobby days and petition drives will take place daily, with the AFT serving as a national
clearinghouse for advocacy. Fund Our Future priorities will also provide the 2020 presidential
and down-ballot candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to students, their
parents and their communities.

While some states have sustained their commitment to public schools and universities, many
have not. Twenty-five states spend less on K-12 education than before the Great Recession, and
41 states spend less on higher education, while the federal government has continued to
underfund its education commitment by hundreds of billions of dollars. That disinvestment in
public schools and colleges has hurt students and faculty and led to overcrowded classrooms;
schools without nurses, librarians, guidance counselors and supports to ensure children’s wellbeing;
deteriorating school buildings with outdated teaching materials and technology; and
unhealthy, unsafe environments. The testing fixation, coupled with austerity, has meant the loss
of instruction in the arts, music and other programs; and disinvestment has led to huge increases
in tuition and student debt as well as fewer course offerings and full-time tenured faculty.

Parents and communities are standing with educators. The 2018 PDK Poll of the Public’s
Attitudes Toward the Public Schools made clear that most Americans have trust and confidence
in public school teachers. Ninety-one percent of Americans send their children to public
schools, and say they want public schools strengthened. When asked about strengthening public
schools or moving to private alternatives, nearly 80 percent said they wanted to strengthen
public schools. Americans believe teachers are underpaid and said they would support them if
they went on strike for better wages.

“We have some notable exceptions, but for far too long, our public schools and colleges have
been shortchanged, particularly in relation to our nation’s staggering wealth,” the AFT’s
Weingarten said. “After a decade of neglect and austerity, the American people have had
enough—and want a reordering of priorities to make their lives better. That’s why educators
and communities have hit the streets over the last year to demand not just a small course
correction, but a sustainable investment in public schools and colleges.

“This funding hole for public schools is not inevitable; it’s the direct result of deliberate and
harmful political choices. That’s why we’re launching Fund Our Future—to supercharge the
work teachers, parents and students have been doing into a set of comprehensive demands to
take to the halls of state legislatures and Congress. What better time than now and who better
than us to take on this challenge and win?”

Florida Education Association President Fedrick Ingram said: “Fund Our Future is a campaign
focused on our country and actualized in our communities. The lack of investment in Florida’s
schools is a real crisis. And when our students are in crisis, we know that educators are the first
responders. Our members have stepped up to the plate and responded to the needs of
their students time and time again; and with this campaign, we are holding our legislators
accountable.” He continued, “We know what’s best for our students, and we’re committed to
supporting students throughout their journey to reach their full potential. We just need the
politicians in Tallahassee to give us the tools necessary to do that. We need our legislators to
fund the future and invest in the success of our students.”

AFT Washington President Karen Strickland said: “In Washington state, the community and
technical college system has been defunded over the last 30 years, with the recession
exacerbating the damage. Our budgets reflect our values, so investing in our students and our
communities is about choices. Our state’s tax system is the most regressive in the country, so
we’re effectively telling our students: Your higher education is less important than protecting
the wealth of Washington’s highest earners. Our CTCs prepare students for civic
engagement, employment and attainment of higher degrees. Employers benefit from a wellprepared
workforce. And the economy is fueled with $20 billion of activity each year. Investing
in the CTCs is a smart investment that pays huge dividends. That’s why AFT Washington is
joining the Fund Our Future campaign to fight for the reinvestment in our colleges that makes a
difference in people’s lives.”

For more information on the campaign, visit

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