Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Contingent & Adjunct Faculty Survey

While contingent and adjunct faculty across the nation are struggling, college and university administrators and endowments are prospering. It’s no surprise that in the past few weeks alone we’ve seen contingent and adjunct faculty speak up, form unions, and even go on strike as they demand equal pay and job security.
Contingent faculty—including nontenure-track professors, adjuncts, lecturers and graduate employees—often feel the brunt of budget cuts and increasing workloads without increasing pay. Over the past 50 years, the use of academic workers facing contingent employment has skyrocketed. We know that as administrators try to cut labor costs, they’re also cutting the quality of our workplaces. That’s why we’re asking to hear your stories and experiences.
We need to hear from you about your quality of work life so we can find the innovative solutions that will create real improvements.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President

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