Thursday, January 26, 2017

Notification of Changes to Liberal Arts and Sciences Credential Field Minimum Qualifications

To assure compliance by September 2017 with the Higher Learning Commission’s recent clarifications regarding faculty qualifications, Minnesota State is changing the minimum qualifications for credential fields in the liberal arts and sciences. Attachment A lists the 35 fields affected by the increase from 16 to 18 infield graduate semester credits.

This change is effective immediately.  All future postings must reflect these changes.  All future hires and rehires (of temporary part-time or adjunct) are immediately subject to this change.

Current faculty members in unlimited positions holding a credential field(s) on the attached list are also affected by this change.  Minnesota State is presently engaged in discussions with the Minnesota State College Faculty leadership regarding a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to manage this minimum qualification change and the impact on our ongoing faculty members.  The terms of the agreement will be available shortly.  Any questions regarding current faculty members, please contact Toni Munos, System Director Academic HR 651-201-1844.

Please immediately share this correspondence with faculty, administrators, student association leadership and other appropriate staff.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Wendy McCance, JD, MBA
College Faculty Credentialing Director
Minnesota State
30 7th St. E., Suite 350
Saint Paul, MN 55101-7804
Phone:  651-201-1768, Fax:  651-632-5018

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Faculty and Admin working together for a cause

A bunch of Normandale's campus MSCF exec committee (Erik Loge, Matt Dempsey, Brooke Thaden-Koch, Tom Sundquist, Dan Norgard and Brooks Herrboldt) are going to do a polar plunge in February to raise money for Special Olympics Minnesota. Normandale College President Joyce Ester has said she will join them if they raise $5,000 (made it to $2,000 last year).  She hates the idea, but she is a great sport.

Please consider supporting your fellow MSCF members in raising money for a good cause and to get their president to jump in to freezing cold water! 😆😆😱😱

Click the link below to donate:

AFT Day of Action Jan. 19th

On January 6th, local chapter leadership and membership chairs should have received an email from state MSCF asking chapters to participate in AFT’s Day of Action campaign on January 19th. Hopefully your chapter has started discussions regarding participation.

Since the campaign is designed to be campus-based, we want to offer our support and willingness to attend events on your campuses. Please let John Ward @ know of the time and place of your chapter’s event and what we can to do assist you in your planning for the event(s).

Thank you for your efforts in organizing.

In Solidarity,

Legislative Update


On Tuesday, January 3rd, the gavel dropped and started the 2017 legislative session. There are a lot of changes in St. Paul, with a newly refurbished Capitol (it’s really cool) and lots of new faces (23 new Representatives and 21 new Senators). The first couple weeks are filled largely with ceremony and “housekeeping,” but we do have things to share - 

First and foremost – we know the makeup of the House Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance committee. We also know the makeup of the Senate Higher Education and Finance and Policy committee.

And with all the remodeling that has taken place, the Governor has provided a guide to finding and contacting his office

A thanks to all the campuses who have arranged to have legislators out to their campuses and a request to get those visits scheduled if you have not had a chance to do so yet – don’t hesitate to contact Mark Grant ( if you have questions or need help.

Rick Nelson and Mark Grant, MSCF Legislative Liaisons 

Don’t forget to bookmark the MSCF website and register to gain access to the full site

Like and follow MSCF on Facebook -

Follow MSCF on Twitter @MSCFMN

Women's March Minnesota January 21st

If any MSCF members are planning to participate or want to attend the Women’s March Minnesota on January 21st and would like to organize efforts, a group will be meeting at the Education Minnesota building (55 Sherburn Ave, St. Paul) at 9:30 am (coffee and refreshments provided).  It is about a 10 minute walk to the starting point of the march with the end point just across the street (location, location, location!).    

This is a national effort with marches taking place all across the country!  Here is a chance to be part of a movement around important issues that affect us all in some way.   Plus you can take advantage of this opportunity to reduce the hassle of parking and enjoy some refreshments while making important connections with others in the organization that have shared concerns.

We would appreciate if you would RSVP to Darci Stanford at so we can plan accordingly for refreshments.  

In Solidarity,

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

$500 Scholarship Awards from United Educators Credit Union

The United Educators Foundation is offering two $500 Scholarship Awards to students entering a Trade/Technical/Vocational school in the fall of 2017. The deadline for this award is Friday, February 3, 2017. 

Please share this information with your students!

Please contact with any questions:

Terry Weber
Membership Development Director
United Educators Credit Union
Phone: 651.264.0669