Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Legislative Update


On Tuesday, January 3rd, the gavel dropped and started the 2017 legislative session. There are a lot of changes in St. Paul, with a newly refurbished Capitol (it’s really cool) and lots of new faces (23 new Representatives and 21 new Senators). The first couple weeks are filled largely with ceremony and “housekeeping,” but we do have things to share - 

First and foremost – we know the makeup of the House Higher Education and Career Readiness Policy and Finance committee. We also know the makeup of the Senate Higher Education and Finance and Policy committee.

And with all the remodeling that has taken place, the Governor has provided a guide to finding and contacting his office

A thanks to all the campuses who have arranged to have legislators out to their campuses and a request to get those visits scheduled if you have not had a chance to do so yet – don’t hesitate to contact Mark Grant ( if you have questions or need help.

Rick Nelson and Mark Grant, MSCF Legislative Liaisons 

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