Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Women's March Minnesota January 21st

If any MSCF members are planning to participate or want to attend the Women’s March Minnesota on January 21st and would like to organize efforts, a group will be meeting at the Education Minnesota building (55 Sherburn Ave, St. Paul) at 9:30 am (coffee and refreshments provided).  It is about a 10 minute walk to the starting point of the march with the end point just across the street (location, location, location!).    

This is a national effort with marches taking place all across the country!  Here is a chance to be part of a movement around important issues that affect us all in some way.   Plus you can take advantage of this opportunity to reduce the hassle of parking and enjoy some refreshments while making important connections with others in the organization that have shared concerns.

We would appreciate if you would RSVP to Darci Stanford at so we can plan accordingly for refreshments.  

In Solidarity,

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