Wednesday, March 22, 2017

AFT Daily Communicator

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the AFT Daily Communicator, a short new daily digest for AFT communicators. It will highlight top news, action items and message points for the day, and will always include sample social media content for easy sharing.

We want this daily update to be a useful resource for you as you work to communicate with and mobilize members, so we'll be asking for your feedback to help make these emails as effective as possible. If you know anyone else who would like to receive the AFT Daily Communicator, let them know they can sign up here. Of course, if you don't want to receive these messages, you can opt out by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

So without further ado, here's the top news of the day:

The secret healthcare bill is out—and the GOP proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act is downright dangerous:
The AFT has launched a Hands Off Our Healthcare action to urge members of Congress to vote against the new, dangerous American Health Care Act.

  • Click here to tweet our call to action.
  • Click here to share on Facebook.

AFT celebrates International Women's Day

  • Read about Women Workers Rising here, and then check out this video of Randi speaking at the rally.
  • Click here to tweet about the AFT's work on International Women's Day.
  • Click here to share on Facebook.

Share My Lesson's annual virtual conference kicks off Tuesday

  • From immigration law to robots, community schools to media literacy, this webinar series will provide classroom content you can use. Browse the webinars and register today!
  • Click here to tweet about the virtual conference.
  • Click here to share on Facebook.

Randi Weingarten, President
Lorretta Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer | Mary Cathryn Ricker, Executive Vice President
© American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. All rights reserved.
Photographs and illustrations, as well as text, cannot be used without permission from the AFT.
Contact Us | 555 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20001

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