Monday, March 27, 2017

AFT Urges Senate to Reject Gorsuch

For Immediate Release
March 27, 2107
Contact: Michael Heenan, 202-585-4371

AFT Urges Senate to Reject Gorsuch

WASHINGTON— American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten released the following statement on Neil Gorsuch:
“After several days of hearings, it’s clear that while Judge Gorsuch is amiable and intelligent, he has also shown himself to be an ideologue who repeatedly sides with corporations and powerful special interests over working people, consumers, students and women. 
“Now, more than ever, we need an independent voice on the Supreme Court who respects, not rewrites, our constitutional values of freedom, democracy and justice. In his hearings, Judge Gorsuch failed to demonstrate that he would be that voice. The Senate should reject this nomination and urge President Trump to nominate someone whose philosophy falls within the mainstream of jurisprudential thought, just as President Obama did by nominating Merrick Garland.”

Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten: http//

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