Friday, September 29, 2017

Presidents Insider -- Save the date: Political Conference Nov. 17-18

Save the date: Political Conference is Nov. 17-18
The 2018 elections will have a profound impact not only on public education, but on our very future as a union. To help us prepare, our 2017 Political Conference takes place Nov. 17-18 at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Pre-register today! Online registration opens Monday, Oct. 2.

The conference begins with a gubernatorial candidate forum, and will provide legislative, organizing and political training. The event will be an important part of our efforts to prepare for the 2018 legislative session and election. This is another great opportunity to use your voice as an educator to advance good public policy.

Conference: Minneapolis Convention Center, 1301 2nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55403
Lodging: Minneapolis Hilton, 1001 S. Marquette Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55403 (Skyway access to the convention center is available from the hotel)

Full and partial scholarships will be available through an application process beginning Oct. 2. In coordination with each local union's leadership, Education Minnesota will provide one hotel accommodation at the double occupancy standard room rate (including tax) and the first registration for free per local. Education Minnesota will pay all conference and lodging fees for ESPs and Education Minnesota student members. Members of color and millennial members are especially encouraged to attend.

Full details on the conference are available here

Questions? Contact Anna Brelje via email or at 651-292-4841.

U.S. Supreme Court to hear anti-union Janus case
The Supreme Court confirmed this morning that it will hear the Janus vs. AFSCME case. 

As we expected, this means sometime in 2018 we could see a 5-4 ruling saying public sector unions can no longer charge employees for their share of the cost of collective bargaining. Education Minnesota and other unions of public employees will be required to provide most benefits of collective bargaining at no cost. It will be "right to work" via the courts.

I released a statement to statewide media today, which said, in part, "The billionaires and their foundations pay for lawsuits like Janus and right-to-work laws because they want to weaken unions by forcing them to provide expensive services for free. Educators and other people who work for the public see through the rhetoric. We're prepared, unified and ready to resist on behalf of the parents and communities who depend on us." Read my full statement.

"Power of We" tour continues next week
The Education Minnesota officers are traveling the state throughout the fall to visit locals, support your efforts and, most importantly, listen to you and your stories.

Each week, I'll send an update on the tour.
  • This week, I visited with educators and local leaders in the northwest metro area.
  • Vice President Paul Mueller visited locals in the Iron Range region and northern Minnesota.
  • Secretary-Treasurer Rodney Rowe visited south central Minnesota this week, and will be in the southeastern region of the state next week.


Denise Specht, President
Twitter: @Denise Specht
Facebook: Denise Specht
(log on to Facebook to view)

Important Dates
Oct. 19-20
Education Minnesota MEA Conference, Saint Paul RiverCentre 

Nov. 17-18
Education Minnesota Political Conference, Minneapolis Convention Center

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