Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Education Minnesota Rally Against Cutting Educator School Supply Deduction - Wednesday Nov. 29

Dear Education Minnesota member activist,

On Nov. 16, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the tax reform bill, H.R. 1 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.” This bill will hurt educators and the middle class while giving massive tax breaks to corporations and the top 1 percent. Rep. Erik Paulsen voted “yes” to help pass this bill.

In order to give massive, and permanent, tax cuts to their wealthy friends and donors, Republicans passed a bill that takes a hatchet to the middle class. The tax bill is going to raise taxes on millions of Americans at the same time it raises their healthcare premiums. The tax bill would hurt:

       Middle class families who live in areas with higher state and local taxes, like in Minnesota, and will see their taxes go up while having local services like public schools, police and fire cut;
       Families with mortgages;
       Students and those with student loans;
       Anyone whose family has high medical expenses;
       Teachers who buy school supplies for their classrooms.

Currently, the U.S. Senate is working on their version of the bill. If it passes the Senate, both the House and Senate bills will need to go to a conference committee to come up with a bill that both the House and Senate will need to vote on again for final passage.

This give us an opportunity to let Rep. Erik Paulsen know that we are unhappy with this tax bill that hurts educators and working families in support of corporations and the wealthy. On Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 4–5 p.m., we are going to hold a rally outside of Rep. Paulsen’s office and let him know that we are unhappy with the GOP tax plan.

What: Rally against GOP tax reform bill
When: Wednesday, Nov. 29, 4–5 p.m.
Where: Rep. Erik Paulsen’s Eden Prairie office (across from Eden Prairie Center)
              250 Prairie Center Drive, Eden Prairie

Feel free to bring a handmade sign or signs will be available.

To RSVP or if you have questions, please contact Jim Meyer from Education Minnesota at jim.meyer@edmn.org or 651-292-4813. 

In unity!

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