Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Minnesota State - Academic Affairs Council

Minnesota State


Committee Charge Document

Committee on Academic Equity:  This is a standing committee of the Academic Affairs Council.

Purpose:  Its purpose is to advise the Academic Affairs Council on academic priorities relative to eliminating gaps in educational opportunity and achievement systemwide.

Scope:  Disparities in access to educational opportunities, in classroom and other learning experiences, and in achievement and outcomes. The scope includes all experiences relative to teaching and learning, including: academic preparation, instructional and academic program development, faculty and staff professional development, student academic support, and post-graduation academic and work opportunities.

Primary Responsibilities:  The primary responsibilities of this committee are to:
1.       Review data on opportunity and achievement gaps across the system and at individual Minnesota State colleges and universities.
2.       Engage stakeholders to inform focused recommendations on relevant priorities for the work of the council.
3.       Examine retention of faculty, staff, and students from diverse groups and its impact on student achievement.
4.       Make recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council that result from a process of discovery, planning, and analysis. The Council will forward a final set of recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.

Operating Guidelines:
1.       The Committee has two co-chairs. The chairs will be selected from the members of the workgroup by consensus of the members. The chairs will take the lead in identifying issues to be discussed by the group, and help develop the full workgroup agendas.
2.       The Committee charge document, membership list, meeting schedule, agendas, meeting summaries, and other information will be available and posted to ASA Connect.
3.       A liaison from the Committee will attend Council meetings.

Meeting Times and Dates:  The Committee meets on a regular basis during the academic year, with a minimum of one meeting per term and a maximum of one meeting per month, in downtown Saint Paul. The Committee co-chairs will determine the frequency and schedule of meetings with input from Committee members. The system office will pay travel expenses for faculty and student members as needed. Institutions are expected to pay expenses for administrators.

Committee Member Expectations:  Members are expected to:

1.       Attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.
2.       Represent the positions of their constituents.
3.       Work with all members to build consensus in decisions and recommendations.
4.       Respond objectively to Council requests and direction.
5.       Provide recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council that meet student, institutional, and system needs.
6.       Communicate discussions and recommendations back to their constituents.

Committee Members:  Membership should include at least one member from each of the following groups. The appointing authorities listed will appoint members to the Committee from one up to two- or three-year terms. Other appointees shall be recruited by the co-chairs with assistance from the responsible system office administrator.

1.       University Faculty (IFO)
2.       College Faculty (MSCF)
3.       University Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF)
4.       Professional Staff (MAPE)
5.       University Students (Students United)
6.       College Students (LeadMN)
7.       College Administrators
8.       University Administrators
9.       Academic and Student Affairs Division Staff, System Office
10.   Office of Equity and Inclusion Staff, System Office
11.   Community Representatives: up to four members from Minnesota councils or independent organizations that represent the state’s communities of color, women, and people with disabilities.

Staff Support: Kathy Pilugin, 651-201-1466,

Responsible System Administrator: 
Kim Lynch, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Academic and Student Affairs Division

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