Thursday, March 15, 2018

Call for MSCF member to serve on Ad Hoc Accessibility Committee

Accessibility Committee (ad hoc) Charter

Type of group:  Committee (Ad hoc)

Charge: (Indicate the main purpose of the group)

Develop sustainable campus practices for addressing the accessibility of electronic (and printed) information to include website and course materials made available at colleges and universities in the Minnesota State system. The committee will study the current state of accessible materials for all learners and web site visitors and make recommendations for improving access to and the distribution of web site and instructional materials in accessible formats.

Roles & Responsibilities: (What tasks/milestones will this group achieve?)
  • ·         Investigate the current state of accessible materials and website accessibility within the Minnesota State system of colleges and universities
  • ·         Investigate campus-based (local and national) accessibility practices and initiatives and identify competencies and best practices for such initiatives
  • ·         Investigate processes, products, and practices for creating accessible websites and documents and content in online or web-based courses within Minnesota State
  • ·         Develop campus engagement plans to encourage cross-institution communication and collaboration on website accessibility and the creation of accessible materials

Scope (i.e., boundaries of the project)

·         In Scope: 

·         Out of Scope:  

Duration and Time Commitment: (How long will this group be meeting, how often?)
  • ·         10 - 1 ½ hour meetings each academic year (August-May)
  • ·         Additional time will be required outside of meetings to prepare for and investigate agenda items

Membership: (Indicate how membership in the group is determined and who is leading the group

Committee membership is open to Technology Council members and non-council members comprised of individuals representing various relevant roles across institutions, including instructional technologists, web specialists, accessibility/disability services directors or specialists, administrators, faculty, students, and others. And they represent people with one or more of the following:
  1. Prior experience in the creation and adoption of accessible institutional materials
  2. Experience or interest in assuring web-based materials meet accessibility requirements

There must be at least one Technology Council member on this committee. 15 Voting Members

MSCF (1)
MAPE or MMA (1)
MAPE or MMA /1
LeadMN (1)
Students United (1)
Students United/1
Administrators, College (1)
Administrator, College/1
Administrators, University (1)
Administrator, University/1
System Office Staff (2)
System Office Staff/1
System Office Staff/2
At Large (5) * (Would like to recommend 6; rationale in email dated Feb 22)
At Large/1
At Large/2
At Large/3
At Large/4
At Large/5
System Office Staff (2) ex officio
System Director for Student Development and Student Services (1) – ex officio
Program Director for Learning and Next Generation Technologies (1) – ex officio

*Denotes lead responsible for coordinating meeting dates, schedules.

Expectations of Committee Members:  Members are expected to:
  • ·         Attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.
  • ·         Represent the positions of their constituents.
  • ·         Work with all members to build consensus in committee decisions and recommendations.
  • ·         Provide recommendations to the ASA-Technology Council that meet student, institutional and system needs.
  • ·         Communicate discussions and recommendations back to their constituents.

Resources: (what will the group need access to in order to do their work?)
  • ·         Web conference service to hold monthly meetings

Consultation Process: (how will the work of the group be communicated and to whom?)
  • ·         Recommendations from this committee (ad hoc) will be submitted to the ASA-Technology Council
  • ·         Chair of the committee (ad hoc) or designee will be provide reports of monthly meetings to the ASA-Technology Council regarding recommendations of the committee (ad hoc).

Links: (List other groups or projects that are linked to the work of this group)
  •          ASA-Technology Council
  •         ASA-Academic Affairs Council
  •          ASA-Student Affairs Council
  •          ASA-Policy Council
  •          Accessibility Directors Affinity Group

System Office Staff Support:  N/A

Questions or Clarification: (who should people contact if they have questions about the group?)
Lesley Blicker, Program Director for Learning and Next Generation Technologies
651-201-1413 or

Paul Shepherd, System Director for Student Development and Student Services

651-201-1743 or

If you are interested in representing MSCF on the ad hoc Accessibility Committee, please email Kevin at as soon as possible.

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