Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Developmental Education Strategic Roadmap


Date: February 5, 2018

To: Chief Academic Officers
Chief Student Affairs Officers

From: Ron Anderson, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs

Subject: Developmental Education Strategic Roadmap

I am pleased to share with you the final Minnesota State Developmental Education Strategic Roadmap (DESR) that was endorsed by the Minnesota State Board of Trustees at its meeting on January 24, 2018 (see attached). Please share this report widely with your campus faculty members, staff members, administrators, and student leadership.

I also want to take the opportunity to thank each of you and your campus students, faculty, staff, and administration for your active engagement in the entire strategic roadmap development process. As you may recall, the initial draft of the strategic roadmap was developed by the Developmental Education Workgroup (comprised of students, faculty, staff, administrators, and system office leadership), and was built on evidence-based campus and national practices. This initial draft was distributed to campuses and key stakeholders for feedback in April 2017, and the feedback we received was incorporated in a revised version of the draft. This revised version was then shared once more with campuses and key stakeholder groups for final review and comment in October. These last comments then informed the final version of the document as it was finalized in December 2017.

The Developmental Education Strategic Roadmap will guide our collective and individual campus work on developmental education redesign over the coming four years, through clearly defined strategies and goals, key action steps, targeted timelines for implementation, and measureable outcomes. I ask that you as academic and student affairs leaders work with your appropriate campus stakeholders to review the attached plan in light of the work already underway on your campus to determine those practices that may need to be scaled up and where you may have work to begin. We recognize that individual campuses will implement the action steps with a variety of practices and programs and that developmental education offerings differ from campus to campus. We are looking to campuses to implement these action steps in accordance with your local context and student needs. At our next CAO/CSAO web conference meeting we will discuss this in more detail, but it would be beneficial to begin these conversations in the coming weeks.

To facilitate communication and coordination throughout the implementation of this strategic roadmap, I am also asking that each Minnesota State college or university designate a developmental education key contact person. This may be you, a key administrator working with developmental education, or a key developmental education faculty member–we leave it to you to determine who is most appropriate for your campus. Please send the name and contact information of your designated key contact to Pakou Yang at pakou.yang@minnstate.edu by Friday, February 16, 2018.

I look forward to working with all of you in the next four years as we implement this plan, and to your active campus leadership and engagement in our systemwide redesign of developmental education.

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