Monday, February 5, 2018


If there is one thing we know, faculty take pride in their work and don't miss an opportunity to talk about it!  In an effort to increase MSCF social media presence AND help change the narrative on the value of public higher education, I am looking to collect content from members of a picture/video along with a less than 200 word description of how a member's program/discipline provides value.  This could be the program description or a statement showing value to students, value to industry, value to community, value to the state, value to the greater good, etc.

Pre-requisite to participate
Faculty have to participate in the #yellowcardcampaign and have a current membership card on file with the state office.

Things needed to submit:  
  1. A non-copyrighted photo or video of self or program/discipline
  2. A less than 200 word description of how it provides value (it may get edited down for Twitter depending on number of tags)
  3. Facebook and Twitter handles for your college, your college president, local legislator, etc. (the more we tag, the more exposure it will get)
My asks:
  1. Email items to by FEBRUARY 20th.   This should not be time consuming for you AND gives the program/discipline + MSCF + the college broader exposure in a positive light.
  2. That you share posts/tweets.  The more we all share, the more the word gets out.

No one is going to tell our value in public higher education better than US!

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