Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Feb. 15 edition, Pension Issues in the News

FEBRUARY 15, 2018


Minneapolis Star Tribune
The problem with this entire debate is that pensions are promises employers make to their employees in the form of deferred compensation. Public employees pay into their pensions through contributions to the plan. The vast majority of Minnesota's public employees want a traditional pension plan, and ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Nowhere is this more evident than in Dayton's inaction on two bedrock challenges influencing efficient, fiscally sustainable government in the 21st century — managing the public sector workforce and public pensions. To put it bluntly, all the government process improvements and purchasing reform in ...

The Courier-Journal
Will the bill require a new method for government payments for public pensions called “level dollar” funding – an approach that would more quickly reduce Kentucky's $43 billion pension debts? If so, when and how will this be implemented are crucial additional questions because this approach would ...

Lexington Herald Leader
A proposed overhaul of Kentucky's public pension systems will not shift any existing or future employees into a mandatory 401(k)-style retirement plan, Senate President Robert Stivers said Wednesday. New teachers will have a choice of several retirement plan options, including a traditional ...

Washington Post
Public unions have lost touch not only with their own members but also with many in the larger body politic, who wonder about paying taxes so public workers can get better pensions and health care than they do, or why it's near-impossible to fire bad teachers. Each time voters in historically blue ...

Jacobin magazine
When it comes to pensions, they argue that the funds are bankrupt, implying that the funds should be closed and the benefits terminated. The bankruptcy charge becomes a special problem for public sector workers, since politicians — who control their pay packages — are influenced by these ...

Chicago Tribune
Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner's budget on Wednesday will propose having Chicago Public Schools, downstate and suburban school districts and state universities pay more of their teachers' pension costs, in an attempt to save state government millions of dollars a year. The governor's plan is likely to ...

Hunt acknowledged that it's harder in the public pension space where lawmakers set the benefits and the fund managers are tasked with generating enough return to cover those promises. Still, he said he has advised public-pension clients to stop looking for the highest-return hedge fund and “start ...

Police Officers Association of Michigan
A new case study from the National Institute on Retirement Security has been published. It examines how taking away pensions from public safety workers, like firefighters and police officers, in the Town of Palm Beach has created a mass exodus in our professions.

The Rock River Times
SPRINGFIELD — Illinois has a massive pension problem. A new report maintains that the biggest contributor to the shortage isn't that state taxpayers have underpaid public retirements, but politicians overpromised. In the last three decades, the five state-offered public pension systems' benefits have ...

California Political Review
“Aspire Public Schools, which operates 36 schools in California, opened talks with the California Public Employees' Retirement System after the charter school organization's board of directors unanimously voted in November to consider leaving the $345 billion pension fund. Minutes from Aspire's ...

Chicago Tribune
Biss, a state senator from Evanston, is among the top contenders in the March 20 Democratic gubernatorial primary, and he's come under fire during the campaign for having once championed an overhaul of public pensions that was detested by union members and sympathizers in the Democratic base.

A 2017 Quinnipiac University poll found seven in 10 New Jersey voters were in favor of raising taxes on those with income over $1 million to raise cash for the public pension system. But Murphy says he's not backing down. On Monday, the governor said he's "still committed -- both on the revenue side ...

Thanks to hedge fund investments, public employees from Oregon to Wisconsin to California find themselves pitted against Puerto Rico's retirees. While investigating the holders of Puerto Rico's $74 billion in public debt, In These Times stumbled across a hidden conflict: State and local pension funds ...

California Governor Jerry Brown said his successor likely would be able to cut public pension benefits when state finances sour. ... for making cuts to public pension benefits -- specifically a case before the state's Supreme Court in which lower courts ruled that reductions to pensions are permissible if the ...

Recent stock market volatility could sting some U.S. public retirement funds in the short term and lead to bigger state and local government contributions in the event of a prolonged market downturn, pension analysts said. The portfolios of some funds have bulked up on riskier and more volatile ...

The Register-Guard
Some rare good news from the Oregon Public Employees Retirement System: Last year the pension fund earned 15.3 percent on its invested assets, more than double its assumed rate of return. The resulting gain erased $3 billion from PERS's $25.3 billion unfunded liability. That's $3 billion that won't ...

He would also restructure the funding of teachers' pensions, giving the state more time to pay down large deficits in contributions. “Fiscal integrity remains our guiding principle, that means we value achievable savings, realistic expectations and long-term stability," the governor told reporters Monday.

National Public Pension Coalition
Republican legislators in Kentucky have not yet introduced legislation to shore up funding for public pensions, despite months of discussion.

Pensions & Investments
30, up 10% from a year earlier, thanks in part to outstanding market returns, Pensions & Investments' annual survey found. Assets of defined benefit plans among the .... Public pension plans, however, remain open to current employees and new hires for the most part. On the corporate side, where most ...

Sacramento Bee
Most California cities expect their spending on public employee pensions to climb by at least 50 percent over the next seven years, restricting their ability fund basic services like public safety and parks, according to a study their lobbying organization released on Thursday. The report escalates the ...

InsideClimate News
America's third-largest public pension fund is ramping up its climate-savvy investments, New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced to global finance leaders on Wednesday. The fund, a huge and influential investor, plans to double its stake to $4 billion in a portfolio of companies that ...

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