Thursday, April 6, 2017

AFT President Randi Weingarten Challenges Trump, Politicians to Keep Promises to Working People

For Immediate Releae
April 4, 2017

Contact: Marcus Mrowka

AFT President Randi Weingarten Challenges Trump, Politicians to Keep Promises to Working People

WASHINGTON—AFT President Randi Weingarten's statement following President Donald Trump’s speech to the North America's Building Trades Unions:

"America's working men and women have heard a lot of promises over the years about how we reclaim the promise of the America dream. But frustration continues because too many of those promises have been abandoned or broken by politicians of both parties who prioritize corporate and special interests over working families and, worse, act to silence workers through voter suppression and anti-union legislation. As AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka highlighted today, those in power need to hold accountable corporations like Nabisco that continue to cut and outsource good American jobs in pursuit of greater profits. 

"It's time to make sure that promises made to working families are promises kept. 

"That includes the promises made by President Trump to working people during the campaign, and those he made today to the building trades. Workers in the building trades are the builders of our roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, housing, and water and energy systems. We appreciate that they have secured promises from the president and from Sen. Charles Schumer to work with them on infrastructure. Hopefully it's the first step to the president listening to and meeting with other workers—in both the private and public sectors—who all want to be treated fairly and respectfully for the vital work they do. The labor movement will never stop fighting for good American jobs and an economy that works for everyone, not just for those at the top. As Trumka challenged Trump today, this administration must do what’s right and stand with us to raise wages, strengthen unions and give workers a better life."

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