Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2017-2018 MSCF Committee Opportunities

MSCF Members,

MSCF has the following opportunities available for members to serve on a state level MSCF committee for the 2017-18 academic year.  If you are interested, please forward your name, contact information, and the positions you are interested in to Jennie at jennie.howard@edmn.org, with a copy to me, kevin.lindstrom@edmn.org by Friday, May 26. 

MSCF Standing Committees
Academic Affairs Committee – 2 positions available
Faculty Rights Committee – 1 position available
Membership Recruitment and Engagement Committee – 1 position available
Racial Equity and Diversity Committee – 1 position available
Technology/e-Learning Committee – 1 position available

Joint Committees with MN State
Assessment for Course Placement – 1 position available
Defined Retirement Contribution – 1 position available
Meet and Confer – 1 position available
Transfer Oversight – 4 positions available

For the MSCF,


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