Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Board Policy and System Review & Comment Notification


Inter Faculty Organization
Minnesota State College Faculty
Minnesota State University Association of
     Administrative and Service Faculty
Minnesota State College Student Association
Minnesota State University Student Association
Minnesota Association of Professional Employees
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Middle Management Association


On behalf of Senior Vice Chancellor Ron Anderson, please share this correspondence with your leadership members, constituents, and other appropriate personnel for review and comment. The proposed amendments to Board Policy 3.32 College Faculty Credentialing and the proposed new System Procedure 3.35.4 World Language Credit Equivalencies are located on the new Policy and Procedure SharePoint site.  This site will be used by all divisions in the system office to disseminate proposed new or amended board policies and system procedures for review and comment.  Please submit all comments and feedback through this site which can be accessed with your StarID.

I appreciate your attention to this request and ask that you direct comments and questions to Gary Hunter at, 651-201-1659.

Responses are requested by June 8, 2017 

Best regards,


Gary Hunter, JD
System Director for Policy, Procedure, and Intellectual Property
Academic and Student Affairs
Minnesota State
30 East 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

Ph: (651)201-1659  I

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