Friday, May 5, 2017

AFT’s Weingarten on the AHCA

For Immediate Release
May 4, 2017
Contact: Michael Heenan

AFT’s Weingarten on the AHCA

WASHINGTON—American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten released the following statement on the American Health Care Act:

“Today is a dark day in the Republican-led House of Representatives. They have perpetrated a cruel hoax on America’s families and their quality of life.

“Seven years ago, Congress acted to create a healthier America. Today, President Trump and House Republicans turned back the clock to a time when many families were one illness away from bankruptcy or destitution and unable to access affordable healthcare.

“Without reading the bill or knowing the cost to the American taxpayers, Trumpcare strips healthcare coverage from millions of families to create new tax breaks for the wealthy.

“Let’s be clear: This bill robs millions of Americans of essential benefits like maternity and pediatric care, makes deep cuts to Medicaid that disproportionately punish low-income Americans and special needs students, and maintains the excise tax on working families’ group plans. And for the half of all Americans who obtain insurance through their employers, this bill puts them at risk of losing the current legal protections that cap out-of-pocket costs.”

Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten:

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