Friday, May 5, 2017

Announcing See Educators Run

At NEA, we advocate for great public schools for every student. Recently, thousands of NEA members and millions of Americans marched, talked with their neighbors, and called their Senators to protest Betsy DeVos's nomination as Education Secretary. In her Senate hearings, DeVos proved what we all knew--she is completely unqualified for the job. She showed a complete lack of understanding of disability laws, performance standards, and the conditions educators and their students face each day. It is because she has never spent a day in a classroom.

Despite DeVos's confirmation, I have heard from NEA members across the country who are ready to do more to advocate for their students and community. I want to take this opportunity to ask you to join them and run for your local school board.

NEA is holding its first See Educators Run candidate training for members and family members who are considering running for public office. In this training, you will learn the fundamentals of how to prepare to become a candidate, fundraising, and communicating with voters.

Please use this link to apply for the training, which will take place June 2-4, 2017, in Dallas, Texas.

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