Tuesday, January 30, 2018

BOT Award for Excellence Review Committee

Board of Trustees' 
Award for Excellence
Review Committee Charter

There is one opening for a MSCF member to serve on the BOT Award for Excellence Review Committee.  If you would like to serve, please send an email to kevin.lindstrom@edmn.org.

Type of group: System-level ad hoc committees of the Academic Affairs Council. There are three (3) committees: BOT award review committee-college teaching, BOT award review committee-university teaching, BOT award review committee-university service

Charge: Annually review nominations and recommend finalists for the Board of Trustees’ Awards for Excellence: college teaching, university teaching, and university service. Each year, the committee will also make any needed recommendations for improvement in the award program’s processes and guidelines. Information regarding the award can be found at http://www.minnstate.edu/system/asa/awards/botawards
Roles & Responsibilities:
·         Establish or revise by early February all committee processes and procedures
·         Complete individual reviews online and determine final award recommendations by late February-early March
·         Recommend finalists to the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs no less than four weeks in advance of the Board of Trustees’ April Board Meeting
·         Support the awards event by providing promotional text for marketing/program or as an event-day volunteer
·         Make annual recommendations of revisions to the award program processes, schedule, and guidelines
Duration and Time Commitment:   The Committee’s work shall occur between February-May each year.  Individual members will be asked to:
·         Early February, 1.5-2 hours: Convene for an orientation prior to reading and scoring portfolios (as needed)
·         Early-mid February, 10-20 hours: Read and score assigned portfolios; submit scores and comments into D2L Brightspace course created for the purpose
·         Late February-early March, 8-16 hours: Meet at the system office for portfolio reviews, discussion, final decisions
·         Mid-April, 2 hours: Volunteer and attend awards luncheon (as possible)
·         Early May, 2-3 hours: Participate in debrief meeting to provide feedback on processes and program

Meeting Times and Dates:  New committee members may meet virtually once in February of each year for an orientation and norming. Members of each committee shall begin completion of online review of nomination portfolios in early-mid February, immediately following the portfolio submission deadline. A 1-2 day face-to-face meeting is held in St. Paul in mid-February-early March for each committee to thoroughly vet the nominations and select recommended finalists in a consensus-based process. After the April awards event and presentation of awards, the committee will meet once, typically in May, to recommend revisions to the award processes and guidelines for the upcoming year. Travel expenses for faculty and student members will be paid by the system office.
Membership:  Committee members shall be appointed for staggered, non-consecutive, two- or three-year terms. Faculty and student representation from the colleges and universities shall be proportional to the numbers of nomination allocations (which are in turn based on numbers of student FYE), as published in the annual Award Guidelines. Additional committee members include college and university administrators and system office staff (with teaching or service experience, as appropriate).  Estimated make-up of each committee:

BOT award review -college teaching
·         Teaching faculty (MSCF) – 7
·         Students (LeadMN) – 4
·         Administrators – 4
·         System office – 3
BOT award review -university teaching
·         Teaching faculty (IFO) – 5
·         Students (Students United) – 3
·         Administrators – 3
·         System office – 2

BOT award review – university service
·         Administrative service faculty (MSUAASF) – 3
·         Students (Students United) – 1
·         Administrator – 1
·         System office – 1

Expectations of Committee Members:  
·         Communicate with the constituent group the member represents
·         Consideration of the interests of the system as a whole and not an individual institution or group
·         Active participation in committee meetings and assignments
·         Adherence to established committee processes and procedures
·         Support of committee recommendations
·         Review and recommendations for revisions of award program processes and guidelines 
·         System office supported web-conferencing software for virtual meetings
·         Coordination and maintenance of email correspondence: botawards@minnstate.edu
·         MnSite D2L Brightspace course shells and supports
·         Administrative support for scheduling, processing, travel expenses, or other expenditures
·         Funding for committee member travel reimbursement, meeting materials, catering, and supplies

·         External Website: http://www.minnstate.edu/system/asa/awards/botawards
·         Internal committee ASA Connect Site: under construction

System Office Administrative Support: TBD

Responsible System Administrator:
Kimberly Johnson, Ph.D., Director for Faculty & Instructional Development

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