Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Innovation Funding aka “Shark Tank”

Innovation Funding aka “Shark Tank”
Funding Availability
Minnesota State seeks to support student, faculty, and staff innovation that shows great potential for improving teaching, learning, and access for students across its 37 colleges and universities. Funding up to $25,000 is available to individual innovators or teams who are currently enrolled in or employed by a Minnesota State college or university.
Funded projects will aim to address obstacles to student success by using existing technologies, resources, or practices in innovative ways. Priority will be given to innovations that align with the strategic goals of Minnesota State and explicitly address the success of our students, our commitment to diversity and equity, and the financial sustainability of our colleges and universities.
Interested persons or teams are invited to choose a funding track:
Track 1 Individuals or teams of student, staff, and faculty innovators submit an Intention to Pitch an innovation. In the spirit of the television show “Shark Tank,” those selected compete for funding by pitching their innovative practice or process to an “investor panel” (students, Minnesota State educators, business and non-profit community members).
Track 2 innovators are invited to apply for smaller grants that focus on piloting, enhancing, or sustaining an innovation project.
Additional details and application directions can be found on the Educational Innovations website (http://www.minnstate.edu/system/asa/innovations/index.html).
Timeline and Process
January 22, 2018
·         Innovation proposals due (both Track 1 and Track 2)
February 22, 2018
·         Selected Track 1 proposers are invited to pitch their innovation in April and prepare a pitch documentation packet including a detailed budget sheet
·         Selected Track 2 proposers are invited to submit a detailed budget sheet
March 16, 2018
·         Pitch Documentation packets are due / pitch presentation coaches assigned
·         Track 2 proposers are notified of outcomes
April 12, 2018
·         Presenters pitch innovations to an “investor” panel;
·         Track 2 awards are formally announced
May 11, 2018
·         Track 1 Innovation Funding recipients are notified and receive feedback from the investor panel

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