Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Pension Issues in the News

JANUARY 16, 2018


Center of the American Experiment
The Teachers Retirement Association (TRA), which manages pensions for the majority of teachers in Minnesota, told legislators Friday that it wanted to drop its assumed rate of return from 8.5 to 7.5 percent. TRA is the last public fund in the entire United States to assume 8.5%. Most public funds ...

Minneapolis Star Tribune
In 20 years at the State Capitol, Don Moe became an expert on pensions for public employees, a policy arena that some might consider a sleepy backwater. In fact, Moe's push for reform and better oversight was so controversial that it's widely regarded as a key reason another DFLer garnered support ...

Minnesota Public Radio News (blog)
“I'm eager to fight for the nurse in greater Minnesota who's worried about cuts to the rural health budget and the public school teacher who wants to give students a world-class education; for the retirees in Duluth who are concerned about their pensions getting cut, the farmer in Willmar concerned about ...

Christie signed the measure even though he has railed against past governors and elected officials for adding debt to New Jersey's ailing public-worker pensions system. The state's pension liability is more than $90 billion -- among the largest in the nation, and Christie made it a big part of his final State ...
Gov.-elect Phil Murphy, a Democrat who ran a strong pro-labor campaign, made plenty of big promises to the unions, from an ambitious pledge for full pension payments to raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. But if he wants to make an immediate impact on public labor, Murphy can start with fixing ...

Journal Inquirer
Is there really nothing to be reduced in public education spending in Connecticut? That's what the state ... While the governor says Connecticut should be embarrassed by its neglect of transportation, he says he is most proud of improving the financing of state employee pensions. That is, pensions come ...

Pension Policy International
The public pension crisis has come under increasing scrutiny over the past decade as shifting demographic trends, harsh economic conditions and the very nature of pension funds have changed, and not for the better. Pension funds create valuable saving and investment tools for an individual's ...

Labor Notes
Traditional defined-benefit pensions are rapidly disappearing in the private sector—less than 15 percent of workers have them. Most public sector workers still have them—more than 20 million are either now receiving or looking forward to a pension. However, public sector pensions are coming under ...

American Enterprise Institute
Sadly, large public pension funds are increasingly being used for activism, with members' retirement treated as a subordinate concern. For example, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and New York City Employees' Retirement System (NYCERS) have both embarked on ...

Sacramento Bee
Gov. Jerry Brown this week predicted that his 2012 pension law will survive union challenges in court and blow a hole in the so-called 'California rule' that has restricted changes to public employee retirement plans for half a century. “When the next recession comes around, the governor will have the ...

Hartford Courant
Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Smith and Patricelli said the group will look at unfunded state and teacher retiree pension and health care obligations, collective bargaining for public employee pensions and health care and the “structure of 169 towns” they say is inflating local property taxes.

Fort Worth Star Telegram
For the past decade, hundreds of state and local pension funds have cut benefits, increased employee contributions and converted from defined-benefit pensions to do-it-yourself plans, according to the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems. In 2016, Austin, Dallas, Houston and ...

The Coloradoan
Both parties pledged to stabilize the Colorado Public Employees' Retirement Association, which by some accounts has more than $30 billion in unfunded liabilities — and at a time when Colorado's workforce is aging. Opinions differ on how much the state or workers themselves should contribute to the ...

U.S. News & World Report
The governor urged lawmakers to address an underfunded public employees' pension fund; attack the opioid epidemic; and promote rural development to bridge the economic divide between the Denver metropolitan area and rural eastern and western Colorado. He insisted that his administration's ...

New York Daily News
That many pensions will renege on their obligations is nearly a given. The magnitude of the issue makes it a national, not just a local, problem, and a generational problem as well. Thus the health and viability of pensions deserves more individual attention and public planning than it currently receives.

ARIA Pensions
American public pension plans are among the beneficiaries of a strong stock market, including North Carolina's retirement system. Reporting for the Asheboro Courier-Tribune, Dan Way quotes the state's treasurer Dale Folwell saying North Carolina is “seeing a surge” in retirement plan investment ...

Mason City Globe Gazette
The future of Iowa Public Employees' Retirement System, or IPERS, continues to be in the news and as chairwoman of the joint House-Senate Public ... Every other year, the Public Retirement Systems Committee is required by law to meet and review our state's various pension systems to ensure their ...

The News Tribune
They fear they will be forced to consider raising taxes or making deep cuts elsewhere while also shorting public pensions and highway projects next year, when Brownback is out of office. "It's irresponsible budgeting," said Senate Ways and Means Committee Chairwoman Carolyn McGinn, a moderate ...

Oregon Business
In contrast, little meaningful progress has been made on controlling public pensions costs in the state. As a result, the costs associated with funding the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) will continue to consume ever-larger chunks of the state budget until action is taken, and that means less ...
Chief Investment Officer
The NHRS pension plan is currently 61.8% funded, with Fosters reporting that the system is estimated to be $5 billion underfunded. The system is funded by contributions from public employees, the employer cities and towns, and returns on investments. When the state ceased its contributions in 2012, ...

West Virginia MetroNews
Jeff Fleck, executive director of the state Consolidated Public Retirement Board, told legislators that investment payoffs will reduce the amount the state has to pay into pension plans for the coming year by $32,803,000. “As I've said it's been a very good year,” Fleck told the Joint Standing Committee on ...

Pensions & Investments
The reduction in the assumed rate of return for the New Jersey Pension Fund, Trenton, although dramatic, is part of a continuing trend of rate revisions by public pension plans. "Normally, we see a more typical change of 25 basis points," said Keith Brainard, the Georgetown, Texas-based research ...

Wall Street Journal
The state's powerful public-sector unions, which endorsed his progressive vision of higher taxes and more spending, played a pivotal role in his 14-point victory. Now the hard part begins. As he takes office later this month, Mr. Murphy must confront the state's biggest problem—a pension system that is ...

Pension Policy International
U.S. public pension fund members are generally unaware that their pension is underfunded and of the risk this poses, according to a survey released Thursday by Spectrem Group. The study also reveals a wide gap between how members want their pension funds managed and the actual approach ...

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