Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Five more weeks until Election Day!

Here are a few upcoming special opportunities we want to highlight for you:

Saturday, October 8 – Sawatzky knock

·         Mary Sawatzky door knock
o    Meet in cities at 9a.m. to carpool to Willmar (or meet in Willmar at 11a.m.)
o    Door knocking for Mary and Sen. Lyle Koenen
o    Lunch in town and back by 4-5
o    Let James Haggar know if you’re interested,
Monday, Oct. 10 – Jodi Olson-hosted door knock for Ginny Klevorn and Deb Calvert

Please join us for a door knock to support Deb Calvert and Ginny Klevorn.  Deb is running for the open seat in Senate District 44, and Ginny is running for the seat in House District 44A, which is currently held by Republican Rep. Sarah Anderson.  Deb and Ginny are strong supporters of public education and teachers, and have earned the Education Minnesota endorsement.  Both of these races will be very competitive, and we need them to win!   

Monday, October 10, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Meet at Jodi Olson’s home, 14505 48th Place North, Plymouth, MN 

We’ll buddy people up, and provide a short training beforehand if you’ve never door knocked.  Afterwards, we’ll meet back at Jodi’s house for snacks and beverages.   It’s a great way to get out and help elect pro-public education legislators in November!  For further information please contact Kathi Micheletti at

Saturday, Oct. 15 – Last AFL-CIO Day of Action
The AFL-CIO is doing their fourth and final Day of Action on Oct. 15, with phone and door knock locations around the state. We’re hoping to have a big turnout at this one! You can find times and locations, and RSVP, at

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