Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Still need Transfer Pathways members especially in....

MSCF is requesting names of faculty to appoint six members with expressed interests in successful credit transfer and program articulation, to each of the 14 new Transfer Pathways Teams, especially in:
  • Chemical Dependency
  • Communication Arts and Literature Education (English Language Arts Teacher Ed)
  • Criminal Justice, Safety Studies (Corrections)
  • English
  • Management Information Systems
  • Mass Communication
  • Political Science
  • Special Education, licensure

Please see the previous blog post for additional information regarding meetings schedules, team charge and compensation. 

To try to streamline the sign up process, if you are interested in serving on a team, please click here “TPT Sign Up” to submit your name, college email and the discipline team you are interested in by Wednesday, October 26th.   Formal appointments will be made by October 28th

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