Monday, October 24, 2016

Just over two weeks left!

Polling Update
We’ve seen the last of the legislative polls. They show much of what we’ve seen for months. The Senate still looks positive but not nearly over. The House still looks incredibly close.

On the congressional side we saw polls this week in the CD 2 and CD 3 races. In CD 2 our endorsed candidate, Angie Craig, has a five point lead and a big cash advantage over Jason Lewis. CD 3 shows Congressman Paulsen with a large lead over Sen. Terri Bonoff. He has a large cash advantage as well. We had expected to see a public poll in the CD 8 race this week too but nothing has been released yet.

Election Night
The DFL will hold an election night party at the Minneapolis Hilton hotel. We’ve decided not to get an Education Minnesota specific room this year, but there will be plenty of TVs and food and the AFL-CIO will have a room that we will help to sponsor. I will plan to do a series of email updates on election night, so if you’re not at the Hilton or a local election night party you’ll still be able to stay up to speed.

Campaign Opportunities

  • Education Minnesota Phone Banks for Hillary: Wed., Oct. 26 and Wed., Nov. 2 at the Sherburne office. Starts at 5pm, let know if you’d like to attend

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