Monday, October 31, 2016

Resources available from the MSCF Racial Equity and Diversity Committee

The committee has shared some resources for faculty related to issues of racial equity and diversity.  This information is available on the committee's page at .  It includes a link to the works of Shaun R. Harper, Ph.D. who founded and serves as executive director of the Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education. He studies topics pertaining to race and gender in education and social contexts, equity trends and climate issues on college campuses, Black and Latino male student success in high school and higher education, college student engagement, and intercollegiate athletics. His research has been cited in nearly 5,000 published studies.

There is also a link to the Center for the Study of Race & Equity in Education that unites University of Pennsylvania scholars who do research on race, racism, racial climates, and important topics pertaining to equity in education. Center staff and affiliates collaborate on funded research projects, environmental assessment activities, and the production of timely research reports.

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