Tuesday, October 9, 2018

National Union President Joins Chorus Against Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote

For Immediate Release
October 7, 2018

Oriana Korin

National Union President Joins Chorus Against Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote

WASHINGTON— In response to the U.S. Senate’s vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the
Supreme Court, AFT President Randi Weingarten released the following statement:

“The Senate has abdicated its most basic responsibility: to advise and consent on matters of critical
importance, simply because the GOP majority wanted Brett Kavanaugh’s ideology on the court.

“We had strong concerns about Judge Kavanaugh’s record from the start, and the failure to disclose
many of his writings, combined with his behavior during the past several weeks, has confirmed our
fears. We respect the judge’s right to due process, but are troubled both by his record and his
combative demeanor and temperament during the confirmation process for the highest court of
the land.

“The allegations of sexual misconduct and alcohol abuse—coupled with Judge Kavanaugh’s own
testimony on these issues—cast serious doubts on his ability to consider fairly cases that will affect
the lives of millions of Americans.

“President Trump, Leader McConnell, Chairman Grassley, and every senator who voted to confirm
this nominee have raised questions about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, and demeaned the
women who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. Moreover, these leaders have endangered
the sanctity of one of our country’s greatest institutions, marking a new low in its toxicity and
polarization. Shame on all of them.

“As November approaches, let the ugliness of this process remind us: Elections have consequences.
The people we elect to represent us matters.”

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