Friday, October 5, 2018

Needed: Strong racial equity advocates for our FIRE program
The Minnesota Educator Academy's member-driven Facing Inequities and Racismin Education program aims to disrupt systemic racism and racial inequities in Minnesota's education system. 

The program's goal is to establish a comprehensive, systemic and sustainable framework to support all educators in developing a mindset of racial equity, in an effort to empower educator voice in advocating for racial justice.

The FIRE program is looking for individuals to join its second cohort of Racial Equity Advocates. Read more and encourage equity advocates in your local to apply to become an REA. Applications are due by Oct. 31.

The REA program works to create a network of educators dedicated to helping members grow in their own racial equity journeys and to expand their anti-racism mindset. At the end of the training, REAs will be empowered to work as members of the union to activate change at the building level and beyond.

Questions about FIRE or the REA program? Contact JonathanHarmer.

Remember: Registration is required for MEA conference
The 2018 MEA conference, Oct. 18 at the Saint Paul RiverCentre, is open to Education Minnesota members and aspiring educators in teacher education programs only. Condensing the conference down to one day and making other changes allows Education Minnesota to offer almost as many classes as in previous years, and focus those offerings to our members who are paying dues to receive this professional development.

You can register in advance to ensure a spot in the workshops you want. We're closing in on 600 registrants - which is awesome - but that also means you'll want to register soon! Same-day registration will be available starting at 7 a.m. if space allows.  


Denise Specht, President 
Twitter: @Denise Specht
Facebook: Denise Specht 
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Important Dates
Sept. 28-Nov. 15
Minnesota Teacher of the Year nominations open
Oct. 18

MEA conference, St. Paul

Nov. 6
Election Day

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