Monday, October 15, 2018

Review and Comment under Policy 3.32 College Faculty Credentialing for Proposed Development and/or Revision of Credential Fields and Minimum Qualifications

To:                   Presidents
Chief Academic Officers
Chief Student Affairs Officers
Human Resource Directors
MSCF State Leadership

Date:                     October 4, 2018
Subject:               Review and Comment under Policy 3.32 College Faculty Credentialing for
Proposed Development and/or Revision of Credential Fields and Minimum Qualifications

On behalf of Satasha Green:

Please review the attached proposed revisions to credential fields and associated minimum qualifications in the following areas:
Cancer Registry Management (proposed new field)
Computer Systems Networking
Computer Programming
Computer Support Technology/Technician
Dental Assistant
Dental Hygiene
Professional Forest Harvester (proposed to retire field)
Railroad Conductor (periodic review, no proposed changes)

I request that you share this correspondence with faculty, administrators and other appropriate staff for review and comment.  All comments and suggestions are welcome from all constituent groups.
Additionally, so that we might review the feedback in a coordinated manner, I request that each chief academic officer submit a single summary response to this review and comment document representing the position of the college administration.  If we do not receive a response providing suggested changes or concerns for consideration, we will assume that the college is in agreement with the proposed revisions of these credential fields and the associated minimum qualifications.

Please refer questions and submit responses by October 29, 2018 to:

Wendy McCance, J.D., Program Director
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
30 7th St. E., Suite 350
Saint Paul, MN 55101-7804
Phone:  651-201-1768, Fax:  651-632-5018

Proposed Revised Credential Fields and Minimum Qualifications

October 4, 2018

Proposed New Credential Field
Cancer Registry Management
Education Requirement:  Associate degree
Occupational Experience Requirement: Four years of full-time (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience as a cancer tumor registrar.
Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.
Professional Requirement: Current Certified Tumor Registrar credential from the National Cancer Registrars Association

After discussion of all comments received related to the following computer fields and incorporating feedback, the Joint Committee on Credential Fields made revisions to the proposed minimum qualifications as follows:
Computer Systems Networking Credential Field
This proposal combines the existing computer systems networking, computer information systems security and computer forensics credential fields into one field with the following proposed minimum qualifications:
Proposed revisions to minimum qualifications
Education Requirement:  Associate degree in a computer or information technology field.

Occupational Experience Requirement:  Four years of full-time (or equivalent) years of verified related paid work experience in networking, network administration, security or forensics.

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.

Computer Programming Credential Field
This proposal combines the existing computer programming, database administration and web development/web programming credential fields into one field with the following proposed minimum qualifications.  It is intended to include software development and applications development and programming.
Proposed revisions to minimum qualifications:
Education Requirement:  Associate degree in a computer or information technology field.

Occupational Experience Requirement:
Four years of full-time (or equivalent) years of verified related paid work experience in computer programming (may include web, applications or database programming.)

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years

Computer Technology Support Credential Field

This proposal combines the existing computer support technology/technician and microcomputer support specialist fields into one field with the following proposed minimum qualifications.

Proposed revisions to minimum qualifications:

Education Requirement: Associate degree

Occupational Experience Requirement: Five full-time years (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience in computer technology support.

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.

Dental Assistant Credential Field

Proposed revisions to minimum qualifications

Education Requirement: Bachelor degree and graduate of an accredited dental assisting program

Occupational Experience Requirement: Three full-time years (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience as a dental assistant.

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.

Professional Requirement: Dental Assistant certification by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) and current Dental Assistant License from the Minnesota Board of Dentistry

Dental Hygiene Credential Field

Proposed revisions to minimum qualifications

Education Requirement: Bachelor degree and graduate of an accredited dental hygiene program

Occupational Experience Requirement: Three full-time years (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience as a dental hygienist.

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.

Professional Requirement: Current Dental Hygienist License from the Minnesota Board of Dentistry

Professional Forest Harvester Credential Field (proposed to retire this field)

Railroad Conductor Credential Field (no proposed changes, last reviewed 12/14/07)

Education Requirement: Associate Degree

Occupational Experience Requirement: Four full-time years (or equivalent) of verified related paid work experience as a railroad conductor or engineer.

Recency Requirement (standard language in all occupational/professional credential fields):
One year of this work experience shall be within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for the credential field. The recency requirement shall be waived if the individual has two years of successful full-time (or equivalent) postsecondary teaching experience in the credential field within the last five years.

To compare the above proposed changes with existing credential fields and minimum qualifications, go to:

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