Monday, October 15, 2018

REVIEW & COMMENT - Board Policy 3.18 Honorary Degrees and System Procedure 3.18.1 Honorary Degrees

Inter Faculty Organization
Minnesota State College Faculty
Minnesota State University Association of 
Administrative and Service Faculty 
LeadMN - Minnesota State College Student Association
Students United - Minnesota State University Student Association
Minnesota Association of Professional Employees
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Middle Management Association


An additional policy and procedure are available for review and comment.  The policy and procedure are  located on the P&P review site at .  Please log in using your [StarID] and your regular password. All feedback and comments may be submitted and viewed through this site.  Please share this correspondence with your leadership members, constituents, and other appropriate personnel for review and comment.  

·         Board Policy 3.18 Honorary Degrees
·         System Procedure 3.18.1 Honorary Degrees

Any questions on the policies, procedure, or how to leave a comment can be referred to Gary Hunter at or 651-201-1659.

Responses are requested by Monday, November 12, 2018.

NOTE: The System Office P&P Review site may be duplicated for your college or university.   If interested in creating your own P&P Review site for your local policies and procedures, submit a ticket through the Cherwell Portal at requesting your own instance of the P&P Review site.

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