Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oct. 1 edition, Pension Issues in the News

OCTOBER 1, 2018


Chief Investment Officer
Mansco Perry, CIO of the $96 billion Minnesota State Retirement System —who will receive the Lifetime Achievement award at the ninth annual CIO ...

Minnesota Senate Republican Caucus (press release)
The Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) recently named Sen. ... The bill reforms and stabilizes pension funds. ... “A strong pension system supports public schools and will aid in attracting and retaining quality educators ...


Public school teachers may save up to $18,500 annually in a 403(b) plan, plus an ... including a Roth IRA or state government 457(b) retirement plans.

Chicago Tribune
On the other hand, Illinois Republicans (all three of them) say Illinois needs real public employee pension reform. But both of these ideas require an ...

The council overseeing New Jersey's $77 billion public worker pension fund will study its investments with Nike at the urging of a member ...

Yankee Institute (blog)
While the vast majority of retirement plans in the private sector are defined contribution plans, the public sector has been slow to catch up, despite the ...

Lexington Herald Leader
Kentucky's beleaguered $2 billion pension fund for state workers, which has ... Jerry Miller, R-Louisville, co-chairman of the Public Pension Oversight ...

Public pension plans are spending more than $2 billion a year in fees on high-cost, risky investments to boost returns. But those bets haven't been ...

The Pew Charitable Trusts (blog)
State and local public retirement systems held $3.8 trillion in assets in 2016, the most recent year for which comprehensive data are available. With the ...

Public pension plans spend at least $2 billion a year on investment fees to high-priced Wall Street firms to boost their returns. But, according to a new ...

Kentucky Today
CERS looks at separation from Kentucky Retirement Systems ... Larry Totten. president of Kentucky Public Retirees, was among those expressing ...

The amount of money the state retirement board, which handles their pensions, can stop from going out, or even claw back from public employees, ...

Pensions & Investments (blog)
Among the largest 100 U.S. public retirement systems, the South Dakota Investment Council has delivered relatively consistent absolute and relative ...

The Colorado Sun
Colorado lawmakers in 2018 set out to fix a $32 billion problem confronting the state's public-pension program, and by all accounts, they appear to ...

Most public pension plans are in poor fiscal health. Funding ratios have deteriorated over the past two decades, as the plans accumulated $5.52 ...

Without changes, public employee pensions are not sustainable. But, fully funding these pensions is unfair to taxpayers who will inevitably be asked to ...

U.S. News & World Report
All of Kentucky's public pension systems are significantly underfunded. Actuaries estimate the state is at least $37 billion short of the money needed to ...

Pennsylvania's main pension funds have less than 60 cents set aside for every dollar of pensions they expect to have to pay when today's public ...

The analysts also say state and local defined-benefit plans will probably keep adding Treasuries, and they estimate that over the next five years, public ...
Hartford Courant
Taken as a whole, the changes have led Pew, a non-partisan think-tank that works with public pension systems around the country, to say that the ...

Foundation for Economic Education
In most states, people tend to worry about things like education or the economy. In Oregon, public pensions are suddenly at the forefront of political ...

That's the claim of a new report by the National Institute for Retirement Security (NIRS), titled, appropriately enough, "Retirement in America: Out of ...

Pensions & Investments
Better investment returns and funding improvements didn't make much of a dent in funding ratios of public pension plans.

Pensions & Investments
The gap between well-funded and struggling public pension plans grew wider in fiscal 2017, despite higher investment returns and more contributions ...

Pensions & Investments
Large public pension plans that were more heavily weighted toward U.S. equities than international stocks found themselves seeing double-digit ...

Transitioning into retirement — the actual act of moving away from the workforce — isn't all that different among public and private sector workers.

More than 60% of the world's largest public pension funds have “little or no strategy” on climate change, according to new research. According to the ...
Rolling Stone
For years, a river of American wealth has flowed into Russia — money from virtually every corner of the U.S. financial world. Public pensions, hedge ...

Sustainable Brands
“CalPERS and CalSTRS are seen as national leaders among pension funds, and the kinds of risk that SB 964 requires them to consider are the kinds ...

Reno News & Review
Before you worry that you didn't have a date on National 401(k) Day, consider this: “Our nation's system of retirement security is imperiled, headed for ...

Manhattan Institute
In his new report, “The Politics of Public Pension Boards,” DiSalvo points to public pension board members as making fiscally irresponsible decisions ...

More than one in four people have stopped saving for retirement or ... While MMI's analysis focuses specifically on public pension funds, an op-ed by ...

Pensions & Investments
Louisiana Teachers' Retirement System, Baton Rouge, returned a net ... The pension fund has produced one of the highest returns among public ...

LONDON (Reuters) - Most of the world's largest public pension funds are providing little or no information about how climate change will affect the ...

When de Blasio announced his plan to pull funds from the city's five public pensions invested in fossil fuel interests in January, James was right there ...

Tulsa World
Pension pennies: Oklahoma's $32.9 billion public pension system, once among the most underfunded in the nation, continued a nine-year growth ...

Wall Street Journal
The rout has exposed the difficulties facing U.S. public pensions, many of which have embraced riskier assets in recent years hoping to boost returns.

Wall Street Journal
Is it fair to one group of taxpayers to pay more than another into the public-pension fund because the market didn't do particularly well that year? I don't ...

Pensions & Investments
The distribution of the assumed rates of return used by public pension funds expanded in the five years from 2012 to 2017, according to a recent ...

Chief Investment Officer
The Virginia Retirement System (VRS) returned 7.5% for the fiscal year ... the system is the 20th-largest public or private pension fund in the US, and ...

The Express Tribune
Pensioners made to prove they are alive ... “We spend our productive years as public servants with hope to spend old age in peace, but every now ...

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