Tuesday, October 2, 2018

NextGen Update - Your Assistance is Needed

Dear Colleagues,  
As discussed in the September Leadership Council Meeting, the ERP Steering Committee and NextGen Project Team are requesting your assistance in moving forward with three key project activities: 
·         Establishing your local Transition Management Team.  If you haven’t done so already, please send your transition management team’s contact information as soon as possible, to Melinda Clark at NextGenERP@MinnState.edu
·         Please distribute and participate in the NextGen Readiness Assessment Survey (more details below).  The survey will remain open through end of day Friday, October 26, 2018.
·         Please encourage participation in the October / November future state regional reviews (more details below).
Don’t Forget!  You and your faculty, staff and students can stay up-to-date with NextGen activities by signing up for Friends of NextGen on the NextGen Site.  
Please review the details below and direct any questions to Melinda Clark at NextGenERP@MinnState.edu. Thank you for your continued support. 
NextGen Readiness Assessment Survey 
Your voice is essential to the future of Minnesota State!  The NextGen Project Team is reaching out to you and your employees to ask for your assistance in completing a Readiness Assessment Survey.  Your role at Minnesota State gives you a unique perspective that will help guide the project as they plan implementation and ongoing communications.
The survey should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Responses will be anonymous.  Please take the survey HERE, and encourage your faculty and staff to participate.  The survey will remain open through end of day Friday, October 26, 2018.
NOTE!  Students will not be asked to take the survey.  Their input will be gathered through upcoming state-wide student association conferences.

Future State Regional Reviews
Registration is open for future state regional reviews!  The Working Teams, along with our partner CampusWorks, will have future state process maps ready for review by the Minnesota State community (students, faculty and staff) during Future State Regional Reviews from October 8 – November 16.  We’re requesting your assistance in getting the word out. 
Please encourage your students, faculty, and staff to participate in the reviews by:
  1. Sharing the LINKED invitation with your teams, student organizations, and local bargaining units.
  2. Discussing the regional review process at upcoming leadership meetings, student leadership meetings, and meetings with your local bargaining units.  
To assist you in your discussions, please refer to the below documents which recommend sessions for faculty / staff from
Registration details and a regional schedule can be found on the invite linked above.

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